"Remember, even though the outside world might be raining, if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you." - Anne Lee

Children smile on average 400 times per a day. Adults? Only 20... As we grow, we smile less. Wondering why... Actually, it's not that hard to figure out why.
Everyday routines, everyday obligations, worries, rushing tempo, everyday problems facing, bad news on television, internet... Everyday overthinking, negative environment, re-examining yourselves...
Too stressed to smile?
Smiling makes us adults happier, but if we want to get the full effect, that requires effort. At least in my case. A couple years ago I needed to put my effort. Until I realized...
After my graduation, I found myself in a very bad life mood. I stuck in between smiling and being sad. I was 24/7 constantly worrying about my future, questioning my role and purpose in this life, what should I do with my life, how, when and what. I would dare to say, the typical struggle of a person who lives and graduates in Croatia. I stuck in a situation where I just forgot to smile. And when you don't smile, you forget HOW to smile. When this has reached the level of disruption of health and physical damage I got scared and pulled on break.
And then I realized... We really don't need for life to become perfect for us to keep smiling.

We easily get lost in the details of today and tomorrow, we feel powerless and hopeless. We all have problems to deal with, of course, and that's fine, that's called life, but we need to be aware that there are millions of small joys in our one and unique life that are making us smile and having the ability to make sure to put smile on our face. We just need to let them reach us. How? Be optimistic. Be positive. It's not easy to smile on a bad day, and smile cannot make all the worries go away, but that smile will help you to beat that bad day and face those daily challenges that bothers you. Constantly looking for reasons to make us happy is wrong. That's wrong because you can be happy just knowing the fact that smiling can bring a certain amount of joy and brightness when you don't expect it at all. Wondering how?
Smile from the stranger that is just passing by. Nice and polite women in a grocery store willing to help saying "have a nice day" on your way out. Sunny day after long raining ones. Seeing old people holding hands and smiling. Chocolate. All this and many more can make you feel better on a daily base and all of this is happening unexpectedly. That's how 😊

So... don't forget to smile today. No matter how was your day, if you failed, if life is testing you in any way, if something unexpected happened to you today. Smile. It's an easy move. It takes just a moment. Smile for yourself. Smile for the others. Smile because it spreads happiness. Smile is contagious. You will spread happiness to others, they'll smile back. Smile because it's a Universal Language we all understand, we all feel and we all want to receive. Smile because it makes you happier.
Simply smile because you can.

Go on. Smile. Do it. Do it right now. 🙃🙂
Yours, K. 😘
Istina. Premalo se smijemo. Samo se svi jadamo na probleme umjesto da se fokusiramo na lijepe stvari.
Da, nazalost. No sve se to moze promijeniti :)
Small things make us happy :) And lot of people forgot it... and that´s a reason why we live in the world, which is fast and furious... Lot of people wanna be rich, owning costly cars watches etc... but the life is so short and at end of our way there will be just our soul :) Anyway it is to long Katarinazaja when you didn´t post... Hope you will continue... I think you are very specific and sensitive woman... Enjoy and thanks for sharing!