When your boyfriend takes you on a date, because...

in #life9 years ago (edited)

Chapter 1

A warm July evening. He invites you for a walk to the park. You cannot wait, it’s a long time since you were on a romantic walk. You meet in a nearby park. But not because he missed you…

There is a Magikarp spawn near the fountain, and you need 400 magikarp candy to evolve it!

Chapter 2

The next meeting, you’re going through the city in search of a pub for lunch. Beloved looks at the phone, then in front of him, suddenly exclaims, "Baby, I haven't bought you flowers for ages! Wait here. " He runs to the flower shop across the street…

Bouquet of roses? No. He took the Valor gym. Team Mystic Forever.

Chapter 3

Friday night, you go to a party at the club. You look great, short dress, makeup, high heels. Meet his friends, someone threw a lure for pokestop…

Held for a special occasion lucky egg has its 5…Noope, 30 minutes…

Honey has 20 level.

Chapter 4

OKAY. Download these Pokemon, I see what is it. Dating with him on the evening for catching them together. Time passes, Drowzee, Rattata, Zubat… OMG! Bulbasaur! I love it!

Level 5, which team should I choose?

Team Mystic Forever.

After 2 hours, my angry boyfriend announces we're going home. Why? I still have 50% battery, and somewhere in the area is Squirtle …

-Come on. I don’t have more pokeballs.
