Can You Handle Success?

in #life7 years ago

People don't realize that success often comes with a downside. Just like most things in life. Success can be hard to deal with at times. Sometimes I feel that we slightly miss our goals at times, Simply because we aren't ready yet.

More Pressure To Do Well

When you are more successful, There is often pressure for you to do well. This pressure often occurs in every aspect of your life.

More Responsibility

Some people just aren't willing to deal with the extra responsibility that success can bring. Often we have more complicated things we have to do each day, Instead of just doing what's easy all the time. I'm noticing this all the time, As I get closer to my long-term goals, More and more responsibilities have to be balanced in.

More Things That Can Destroy You

When you are successful, there are often certain things that relate to your reputation, or success level that you have to watch out for.

It's Easy To Become Lazy

Sometimes when our daily life is simple, We can become somewhat lazy. Like there were times when I would get lazy when I was self-employed Because I had no boss to get upset or talk to me about it. I knew I could get away with it so sometimes the desire of having a "lazy day" was too much.

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What goes up , must come down that’s part of life’s deal

Right? Exactly! Hehe

I agree with you @journeyoflife

O God give me some success for if I can handle failure, I surely can handle success. LOL

I agree ! Success also has a price. More than anything i think success sometimes can stop you from dreaming and having new goals. If we reach that point the only direction to go might be downwards.

Thank god I'm not successful haha jk

Success can be a strangely slippery slope, you're absolutely right about that... I know that, from having been through my own years of "fear of success" because I was very uncomfortable with the idea of being in the limelight... I guess they also call it "impostor syndrome;" where we don't feel like we belong when we are among the best at doing something.

Nice blog. Yeah, I'm less successful than I wish I was.

Being successful is difficult but difficult to be lazy. but in happiness all happiness.

How you handle your failures is also important for success. If you're not learning from your mistakes effectively, then being determined can only get you so far!

Nice post, have a good day! @kaylinart

I think there is work to do in the world. Life can not be successful if you can not work. Think you work on Steemit. Increase power on your target. Those who work will surely gain. I mean, you must work to succeed in life.

The key to success to success.. If we try to hard work that we can change our life.

Success for some can be expecting more than what it really is, so they miss the opportunity to work with and further that success, instead of pushing harder at something they already have with the possibility of losing it.

The responsibility and effort needed to keep that success going or improving on it can be quite daunting for many. Some are happy with simple successes that they live comfortably with or are too lazy to pursue. So you're on the ball with this, as all of your posts are.
Hehe :)

In regards to responsibility... I am a go-getter and proactive. I've only been on steemit five months and have completely immersed myself in many facets.
I envision myself here long term and expanding more horizons.

I suppose it's like Spiderman's uncle that said "With great power comes great responsibility" :P

And from a Jungian perspective, when one is propelled forward there definitely comes a time when one faces this threshold we call chaos. The more we gain in turn increases the amount of variable and risk in which we can fail.

Sukses bisa menjadi lereng yang sangat licin, Anda benar benar tentang itu ... Saya tahu itu, sejak bertahun-tahun saya "takut sukses" karena saya sangat tidak nyaman dengan gagasan berada di pusat perhatian .. Saya kira mereka juga menyebutnya "sindrom impostor;" dimana kita tidak merasa seperti kita berada saat kita berada di antara yang terbaik dalam melakukan sesuatu.

Success truly comes with a lot of responsibility and I cannot agree with you more
Thanks for sharingGreat post from my favorite artists @kaylinart

ahh the cons you name here are so true!! if only success could just come with ONLY a side of satisfaction!!

Ideal with top ceo types all of the time, and thus see this first hand a lot. thank you for this post, my friend

undoubtedly the positive attitude is crucial to overcome the problems

Wish these blogs were longer! What type of job do you have now or are you still self employed?

Very nice post @kaylinart. Keep the good vibes flowing :)

Work life balance is very important to keep sanity....

You spread motivate words even when you do need motivation, this is peculiar to the selflessness exhibited by Jesus.
We are all lucky to have such an examplary one as you

Very beautiful

"Can You Handle Success?"

Screw that. Can success handle me? I'm going to tear its heart out! LOL

I hear ya. I'm at that age where everyone is pressing me about having children, but I just want to focus on my career and being successful. There is always sacrifice in working towards success.

Excellent post

More success more problems! I can handle it! I'll take the responsibilities. As DJ Khalid says. I CAN! I CAN! Lol

It depends on what your view of success is also. I used to think success was promotions and pay rises in my job, i worked so hard i eventually triggered a genetic chronic illness. Sometimes it's not whether you can handle it but whether it is adding or taking away from your life and how you enjoy it. Now success to me is achieving goals that make me happy. Doing things that are meaningful to me whilst still being able to provide for myself and my family. With my illness sometimes it's just being able to do a certain physical activity. I totally agree with the lazy part, pushing yourself to succeed in whatever it is and then achieving it will always give you more incentive to keep going and has always given me a proud feeling.

may you succeed alwaysthanks for his advice @kaylinart

It's true that self-employment sometimes makes you lazy. Nevertheless, it is the best employment there is :D

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Exactly. I know far too many people who are motivated to achieve this arbitrary construct of "success" without taking the time to step back and question whether "success" or their definition of success will bring them the ultimate goal - happiness.

My favorite example of this is two friends... one in finance and the other a simple high school teacher? Who has more "prestige"? who has more "money"? who wears a suit and gets to look "fancy"? The former.

BUT. Which is more fulfilled? Who gets to make a positive impact in someone's life? Who gets to sleep at night, haha. Certainly, the latter.

Yes. Everyone's definition of success is different.