Who wants to live in a clean house? NOT ME! Clean houses are annoying; I love the crunching sound of walking through a dirty environment as I break my favorite possessions.
It just makes sense. Especially for those of us who LOVE online shopping, we can break our stuff. And then we get to go shopping to replace the item! How great is that!
Here are some fantastic tips to help you start living a dirty, Cluttered lifestyle.
Start Where You Will See the Biggest Impact!
If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen or the bedroom, You'll want to start there.
The goal is to move as quickly as possible so that it will have the maximum damage on your mental health! It will also help keep you motivated to work on other areas of the house.
Don't Decide Where You Want To Put Things
Making too many decisions everyday is overrated! Just be random about it. If you'll trip over the items or if they'll get in the way, That's the perfect place to put them! You want to make your house a fire hazard if possible. Stack your crap in Windows, In doorways, And even your front lawn.
Start Buying More Stuff
The whole point of cluttering, Is collecting more items that you'll never use.
When buying new stuff, it's important to focus on a couple of important things.
- Will it be used up?
If the answer is yes, You may want to avoid that item, Because eventually it will be gone and you won't have it anymore. You need as many things as you can! Try to buy things that never go away! Like Tupperware, It's terrible for the environment! Which means it's a great fit for you! That Tupperware will be around a lot longer than you will. Which is the goal isn't it? - How Big is it?
Size matters folks! You want your clutter to be as big as possible, So doesn't it make sense to buy the biggest items you can find? This will allow you to accomplish your clutter lifestyle even faster! The good news isn't it!?
Keep Everything!
Why would you want to throw away anything?! Those are your memories you are throwing out! Those orange peels! You don't want to forget the memories you had with those orange peels! So do the easy thing and keep them! Heck, you don't even have to use your garbage cans anymore. That Might save you 20.00 a month.
Don't donate, Trash or sell any of your stuff. You need to keep your stuff close to your heart!
Even if the item is old, worn out or even broken. You want to keep it! Don't get rid of it, Because you may want to try and use it again.
Besides, you wouldn't want any of your enemies to get a hold of that!
That is YOUR STUFF! And your Property!
Seems like you've got your (sarcastic) "Do the Opposite day" 😂 But I really like sarcasm so that I enjoyed to read your latest posts a lot 😊 I hope there is more coming from you on this kind of content. I would really appreciate it 😉 Keep going @kaylinart!
Wow really? I guess I'll have to write some more like this hehe :) I'm glad you are enjoying it!
Yes really @kaylinart, I'm not kidding. I really love everything that has to do with sarcasm like for example your posts as well 😉 So if you ask me you may drop some Posts like this for sure in future sometimes. I will definitely check on them again as soon as they get into my view on the Steemit feed 😊
This one is a little harder for me. Some stuff do have some great memories for me, so I'm always careful when i throw stuff away. Great tips though I will think about them when I have to clean up my house again.
I started out reading it very seriously but then waow....nicely done
Hhahaha Good :) That was my goal hahah
@kaylinart well i turn my house to trash by laying on my bed all day everyday steeming until I faint away
Nice post
OMG! This sounds like my life right now. hahhaa
😂😂😂 yeah for dt reason take a look at my blog
This calls for George Carlin:
You really had me going there for a moment! Lol, good post. Thx for that.
NO Problem hahah I tried to be as funny as possible.
Personally I think clean houses are just waiting to be destroyed, maintaining a clean and organised house is a lot of work which is hard for a boy like me.
Its better to keep a balance between clean and dirty. HEhe
Hahha exactly! Thats how I feel too. I am a pretty clean person, But I don't like things to be "too perfect".
Haha I thought you were really onto something as I'm always looking for a reason to replace something perfectly good I own, just to have something in my Amazon shopping basket. But then I realized you weren't supporting the idea of trashing everything hehe. Nice post and I enjoyed the brief idea of trashing everything .
Hhahaha!! THanks! This one was meant to be more funny! But hey if it's an item that is really falling apart and it needs replaced it may be worth the purchase.
Haha what's going on today?! Bringing out the reverse phychology to Steemit!
YEs!!! Hehe I don't know what caused it. The idea sorta hit me.
Strike while the iron is hot then!
Hey you can look at your blog history and just reverse all the sensible ideas, genius!
i have trash my house already. by laying on the bed,,steeming, wandering around, never bring out my trash. lol. i do the opposite, except steeming. lol
lol was kind of a bit confused until I read the last line.
click here!This post received a 1.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kaylinart! For more information,
some might say : a clean house is a sign of wasted life :D
Haha I feel like I have been following these instructions beautifully . The back of my car is such a mess that people assume I'm homeless and hand me 10 dollar bills saying "God bless you".
I was gonna say @kaylinart!! Last sentence made sense to me haha
Hahaha. Nice satirical article. I was really getting worried about how one can live in clutter and in a 'fire hazard' environment till I saw the last line. Lol. Upvoted. I like your take on life. Followed you.
Am more into wildlife and nature photography as well as travel. I would be honored if you see some of my work and provide your valuable comments.
Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
kindly follow me and upvote any article you love .thanks
haha i'l try this. great!
Being a steemit addict, it is quite easy to follow your tips😀
Yeah it is quite troublesome to clean your house especially if it easily gets dusty
I like u post..Nice pict on the post @kaylinart
@kaylinart in a destructive mood today, arent you?
Awesome !!
thank you for sharing
Hahah. Some good points there.
lol.........very interesting topic..liked ur explaination in the post :) interesting stuff
I love this new reverse psychology take in your posts. It makes one laugh, and at the en, you probably take homr more than if you had written it regularly, since than it so easily comes of as tedious or moralising.
Good job !
Hoarder represent.
You got me at the end lol , great post !
Hope to benefit from your experience...
Following you and please do stay in touch.Waaaw! Interesting read and congrats on your achievements so far @kaylinart
nice post you might like this
Good posts and beautiful girl .. ^_^
Great post Kaylinart!
Upvoted, Following, Resteemed and....High Paw!!! :-D

I like it nice 👍 goodluck
I'm like what? Crunch, crunch. Oh no, I just stepped on my good pen.
I DON'T KNOW what should I say ;)
Haha always surprising articles. Relevant, upvoted.
My problem is that I keep adding more trash.Infact I'm currently trashing my office and when I look at how I scattered all the files I get nervous. I've been trying to do this for months but whenever I look at the the office I just close the door and leave. @kaylinart seems like you you know just about everything on my mind.
Oh man, I was starting to get stressed just reading that! If my home is a mess it's usually a good sign that I'm pretty stressed and all over the place...
I kinda figured that you were going to suggest the opposite, although a part of me thought maybe you were having a rough day and just said f*k it ! I do know that leaving lots of legos on the carpets is a good way to wake someone up.
followed/upvoted/laughed...this is too funny. Nicely done. Love this! :)
This is the beautiful life lol, We all have to move

I love your article,good continuation
nice Post, im new here. could somebody follow my Storys @nelke2010