Going to college was a dream of mine. Going to a place where I could learn, Where I wasn't, babysat the whole time. No unnecessary interruptions by idiots who clearly didn't want to be there.
I consider myself lucky; I’ve known pretty much what I’ve wanted out of my life Since I’ve been a child. I’ve always loved science, and when I turned 12, I developed a strong passion for fine art.
My major of choice was fairly easy: Geology.
I always dreamed of going to Utah Valley University, But due to certain circumstances, I ended up going to SLCC from the start. Once I completed many of my classes, I almost transferred over there.
College wasn’t exactly what I expected. The classes were easy and boring; My professors seemed inexperienced and lame. I figured maybe I’m just choosing the wrong classes! Semester after semester went by, And I still was unhappy.
I wasn’t able to do art anymore, With full-time school and my part time job, I had hardly any time for anything.
The typical life of a college student…
The grant was really helpful, But unfortunately, I wasn’t able to keep it. I had to go the hospital to have my appendix removed. At the age of 19, I had no health insurance.
So I went out and got a full-time job at a nearby hotel. I was a housekeeper. I kept my part-time job. And continued school full time. That is how I failed my classes. Trying to pay medical bills.
After I had gotten over that hill, I kept going to school; I kept fighting! I was determined to be the first College graduate in my family! I was already the first High school Graduate! Because my family is full of high school drop outs!
But that didn’t happen. I started to get angry; I wasn’t learning anything, why am I spending thousands on a piece of paper!?
That’s when I read the book “Choose Yourself” by James Altucher.
This guy is a lunatic I thought! He doesn’t know what he is talking about.
###“Kids at 18 have no idea what they want to do in life. The world is a very big place. It's bigger than five classes a day on philosophy or chemical engineering” James Altucher###
I still wasn’t convinced this guy knew anything. I mean I know EXACTLY what I want out of my life.
Another snippet from one of his articles:
To summarize:
A) You learn very little that you use in real life
B) You are so burdened by debt that you can’t use your new-found
knowledge to create real freedom and joy for yourself
C) A young person can use their energy in many other ways than just college.
I kept reading books by Altucher because I was fascinated by his bizarre opinions. And his words started to torment me as I continued to go to my college classes. I looked at my debt… $4,000 In student loans, And I was paying most of the tuition out of my pocket by working full time and attending school…
I also biked to school everyday. Because I couldn’t afford to even have a car! Even when it was snowing or raining, Id bike 7 miles to school, Then 7 miles back. On my cheap 200 bicycle. But it was worth it right! I basically could have bought a fairly reasonable used car with the money I was making. But it went into this so-called “Lie” called college.
After a while, I became disgusted with how much they were charging me… I could afford a pretty nice vacation for every semester I went to school.
Here are some college Alternatives Altucher suggests: http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2011/01/8-alternatives-to-college/
I made the hard decision of quitting; I felt it was the right decision. I was terrified, though, Some of the questions I pondered were,
1. Am I going to be a failure, Because I am choosing to drop out of college?
2. Will I be able to get fun, a High paying job without college?
3. Can I survive without college?
Luckily, As the world starts to change, You can’t get by without college easily, More employers are whiling to hire you without a college education.
After I had quit school, I continued working my 2 part time jobs, and I started doing art again. It was an amazing feeling, I started to read non-fiction, and I started looking for ways to turn my art into a steady income. I learned how to write books and Started to write; My writing isn’t the best, but I was able to produce a reasonably selling, 5-star kindle book: “Sell Everything” and “Stress less, Invest more.” In October of 2015 I released my first coloring book “Animal Forest”, I don’t have a lot of money right now, But I have so much more than I ever did going to college. Instead of sitting in a classroom,
**Over the last year and a half, **
• I wrote 3 Kindle books
• Published over 27 coloring books,
• Flew in a plane for my first time
• Got out over 47,000 of debt!
• Got a shiny new bicycle.
• Traveled to: Las Vegas, San Francisco, Pheonix Arizona.
• Took a ton of Udemy classes, And learned new skills with making money online.
• Worked 5 different jobs,
• Went out and did a ton of activities that I would never have had time to do back then.
So far I have no regrets with dropping out of college, I’ve been working hard, and I am almost fully self-employed. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I think for myself, which seems to be rare these days! I feel like college conditions you to be like everyone else. To have no mind of your own, I feel like quitting school has given me opportunities to learn and grow and make my own decisions.
I feel like an adult now; I felt like a high school student who was scared of the world. I can rely on myself now, for so much more.
And for once in my life, I feel completely FREE! It’s like when you get out for Christmas break for school as a kid. When you feel like you can do anything you want in the world. Except I get this almost every day, And once I’m fully self-employed I’ll be unstoppable. Drawing for 5 hours a day Is already a dream come true!
These days people need to think long and hard about whether college is right for them! Don’t believe everything that you hear! You give up a lot by going to college, MAKE SURE IT’S THE RIGHT CHOICE.
I've been paying down 20k of student loans for 5 years now. I'm nearing the end, but I still can't help but feel I am a slave to it. Now that I am making decent wages I feel trapped. The job I have couldn't be more unfulfilling. I drive an hour to work each day (because they moved an hour away a year after I bought a house right next to the old office) to sit in a cubicle, and fuck with spreadsheets all day. The sole purpose of my job is to maximize profits for our billionaire owner who offers shit pay (relative to the profits that i bring in) for shit benefits.
I love hearing stories like yours because it gives me pleasure knowing that some people don't have to live this way
Aww man I'm so sorry!! Thank you for your support! You should try to start writing ideas down on how to get out of your life trap! I felt trapped too when I had my debt, It was much less than yours. But there has got to be something you can do! Maybe work on a couple kindle books to help bring in the extra cash.
College debt is honestly the worst. They really undermine how crippling it can be, especially when you can't find a job after. Currently paying it off and killing it but man, there needs to be a better representation given to highschool students regarding College debt.
Exactly! When you are in high school you don't realize that even just 4,000 Is a TON of money. It seems like the average person thinks they'll get this amazing job that will pay you an unlimited amount. But they need to better educate high school students on what certain amounts really mean.
Awesome post! I'm so happy for you. I'm self-employed now too. It's great to hear how well you're doing