I am highly allergic to anything cold! I know It's hard to believe.
I haven't talked about this much Because People don't believe me. It's also a little embarrassing to talk about. But at the same time, I'm sick of mentioning it to people, And they assume that I'm lying, And trying to get attention for it When it's A REAL THING! Or other people claim to "have it too." But they know nothing about it.
The photo above is a photo of me and my sister, I'm on the Left :) I was in Kindergarten at the time. My sister was still not in school yet.
It's hard at times, To be allergic to just about everything. I am allergic to anything below 60 degrees.
I'm allergic to cold water, My sweat, My tears, Ice Cream, Snow, Ice, You name it! If I am outside working out, And I go somewhere cool to cool off. My sweat becomes cold, Which causes hives.
When I cry my tears sometimes are too cold, Which causes my eyes to swell up like a balloon! Cold food makes my tongue, Mouth, and throat swell. And cold wind causes my skin to bust up with hives or strange polka dots.
Here is a photo of my legs after I went outside for a jog.
What is Cold Urticaria?
According to Google:
Allergic urticaria in the form of hives induced by cold. Cold urticaria (essentially meaning "cold hives") is a disorder where hives (urticaria) or large red welts form on the skin after exposure to a cold stimulus. The welts are usually itchy and often the hands and feet will become itchy and swollen as well.
And According to the Mayo Clinic
Cold urticaria is a very rare condition affecting about one in 100,000 people, according to ABC News. ... People with cold urticaria can develop redness, itching, swelling and hives on the skin after coming in contact with cold temperatures, according to the Mayo Clinic.
My Childhood
My childhood was complicated...
I was born and raised in Utah. So we have pretty cold winters! Lots of snow.
I always got so ichy after playing in the snow.
It was uncomfortable. But I always thought it was normal as a kid.
Until one day we went to my grandmas. While she was making us a chili dinner, My sister and I were in the backyard playing in the snow. I remember my body burning, Everything was tingling and on fire. I started to feel dizzy. So I went inside.
I was disappointed when I saw the chili that my grandma had made; I hate chili. It wasn't the actual chili part, That part is good, But I hate beans! Yuck!
A Picture I colored out of one of my coloring books as a kid!
My grandma forced me to eat it, Even though I didn't want to. Shortly after being forced to eat the beans, I broke out in a horrible amount of hives,
I was sick and swollen, My grandma and mom immediately put me in a hot baking soda bath, And gave me some Benedryl. The hives quickly went away.
I sat in the bath tub miserable, Thats when I overheard something amazing,
My parents and grandma were talking about what I could be allergic to. And I overheard my grandma say: "She must be allergic to beans! " I wanted to throw a freaking party!
I Might be allergic to the one thing I HATE!
But overtime, I started noticing something odd.
A drawing I did as a teen
Water balloon fights led to hives...
Swimming, Led to hives...
Rain led to hives....
Snow Led to Hives...
As a child I then came to the conclusion, I must be allergic to the cold. Not beans. But of course i wasn't going to tell my parents that. They'd make me eat beans again.
But Little did I know, My mom was suspicious.
Whenever they made meals with beans in it, My mom would make me a separate batch without beans. But she'd slip one or two beans into my food to see if I had a reaction.
I Never did...
Finally we went to the doctor, Just to get me a checkup. I was now 13.
My mom brought up that I was always getting allergic reactions and she didn't understand why.
I was pissed!
Right in front of the doctor, I yelled at my mom, "ITS BECAUSE I'M ALLERGIC TO THE COLD MOM, I TOLD YOU!"
My mom looked at the doctor and asked: "Is that even possible."
That's when my doctor said that "Yes" It was! He then gave me the ice cube test And confirmed it.
I was born with an incredibly rare allergy, That causes me to be allergic to anything cold.
The doctor told me that It would be a life long condition. But I could get lucky, and I have a chance of it going away Every five years.
But I'm now 24, and I still have it.
My Hike Yesterday
After being cold in the water, and dealing with the cold air of the hike, We got into my boyfriend's car, I then was reminded of something. As my entire body broke out in really bad hives and became extremely itchy. My whole body was burning, And I was an in an extreme amount of pain and discomfort. I had almost forgotten about my allergy, Because other than when I eat cold foods it hasn't bothered me. Sometimes my sensitivity dies down for a while; Then it spikes up. It's random and annoying.
Everytime my boyfriend and I get ice cream or frozen yogurt, My tongue and throat swell up, So I have to eat it very slowly. (I love Ice cream so I can't give it up completely). But as long as I keep my throat pretty warm I can handle it.
The goal of this post
The goal of this post is to raise awareness on my disorder! Not to get you to feel sorry for me. I live a very happy and healthy life, But sometimes I have to make adjustments to make life easier for myself. (Waterproof gear is my best friend).
Or by drinking warm water as I eat cold foods.
This rare condition, Many have never heard of.
Usually, to treat it I need an over the counter allergy medicine. Perscription meds are an option but I always avoid taking medicines as much as possible!
Would living somewhere topical, like Hawaii, help you?
Some humans on this planet basically never have to feel cold!
Wow I think it would! I need to move some place like that. It would make my life easier for sure.
I don't think it's so unusual with people who have severe allergies. Maybe vacation in some other climates and see how your body responds. It could change your life!
I never thought a person could actually be allergic to cold stimuli! Don't give up hope for it going away, though. When I was little, I was allergic to milk, soy, and certain forms of sugar. By the time I finished elementary school, I had grown out of all 3 allergies! Now, the milk sensitivity is coming back :( but the point is, allergies can change over time (and that's also something that a lot of people don't believe)
Wow really! Those allergies sound brutal. I'm so glad it's possible to grow out of them though.
I learned to live with it, as I'm sure you have with the cold allergy. Sometimes it can be tough, but what else can you do?
There is a lot of weird kind of allergies, my son is for example allergic to humidity. I suppose he is a lucky one because we live in dryest climate on Earth. Good luck my dear!
good on you for writing this post....if i'm honest i wasn't aware of this condition until reading this post, and you will have inspired many i'm sure..
Aww! Thank you!
Never heard of it. Thank you. I have problems anything below 60F, but not like you. My hands and feet develop painful cracks. and the skin all over my body becomes incredibly dry. Serious respiratory problems. My solution....Southern Florida... It cannot get too hot!! :>)
Cracks? Wow that sounds scary!
Not a whole lot of fun. Thank God for Florida. :>)

That was gorgeous scenery on your other post. Climbing a Waterfall. Where was that? Utah? Had no idea there was beauty like that there. I guess I just thought Utah was flat with a salt lake in the middle. Like a desert or something.
Thats unlucky, but at least you are unique person :).
Right? Heheh It's okay though. In some cases people allergic to specific foods have it worse.
fight on !!!!
My partner in contrast has an allergy to the sun. It affects him the exact same way it does you, but his hives stay for days and sometimes even scare. Your a tough cookie, just a question which country do you reside now and is it because of your allergy? Thanks for raising the awareness
Aww!! I'm So sorry for your friend! that sound way worse than what I've dealt with. I'm just glad as I get older my body becomes less sensitive to it.
I still live in Utah. But Hope to move to a warmer state soon. Or warmer country.
Wow, this is not common! Courage to you and your fight against this disease. This should not be easy. I'll follow your blog. Full of happiness
Thank you so much :) Hehe I live pretty normally. With just some small adjustments here and there hehe.
Love the coloured picture! Sorry about your cold hives. Upvoted!
It's okay :) Thank you hehe!
Wow, I had no idea that this type of allergy existed .. but it is not difficult to believe, especially since a friend of mine is allergic to the sun, he starts to get red spots on the skin and starts to itch if it is under Sun never .. even when going to the beach has to have full body clothes ..
I had never heard of being allergic to the cold. Wow. I was wondering about ice cream just as you mentioned eating it, it would suck to have to give it up!
So if you start to get cold but manage to quickly warm up somehow, obviously depending on the situation, can you catch it in time or are you stuck needing to take something for hives? Like, for example, if you were swimming and you recognized the water was getting too cold could you jump out and lay in the sun to avoid itchiness?
Again, wow, will log the info in case I run in to a child that has this issue.
I know about cold urticaria! A friend used to take an antihistamine each night to keep it under control and not have to worry about an 'attack'.
Your case sounds really severe. Maybe if it doesn't happen all the time anymore, perhaps it's a sign you are 'growing out of it'? I hope so.
I hope I grow out of it! At least as I get older I'm less sensitive to the cold. Which is really helpful.
Those antihistamines are truly life saving. I don't know what I'd do If I had an attack and I Couldn't combat it with anything.
click here!This post received a 33% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kaylinart! For more information,
I once met a young girl who was allergic to cold. At first, I thought she was kidding, but we rolled up the windows anyway to keep her comfortable. Your post is the 2nd time I've heard of this condition.
I sympathize with you because most people have never heard of this and could act inappropriately and be inconsiderate as a result.
Same here. If there's a way, I would never go outside between November and March.
Aww do you have this issue too? I avoid going outside when it's cold too hehe. Or I Bundle up.
Allergies are no joke! This was very informative, it's good to educate others, thank you for sharing.
never being able to eat ice-cream :( that would suck :( ... I feel for you ...
(not giving you sympathy as I also have a rare disease and I know this post was about awareness not sympathy) just sending you warm fuzzy hugs xx
I tell people that I do not eat M&Ms because I am allergic to peanuts.
M&Ms do not have peanuts in them now, but they did back when candy bars were ruled to have to have so much nutrition in them. (BTW, M&M denies this fact)
Today, if I tell people this, they assume that I meant peanut M&Ms (the ones in the yellow pack)
It sucks being allergic to things. When brought up, people are usually way too paranoid about it, or way too thoughtless.
Wow just couple days ago my niece told me that she was allergic to cold. Didn't even know about that.
Awe, I'm so sorry you have that condition. Thanks for bringing it to my awareness. I hadn't heard of it before. Here's hoping you outgrow it, but even if not, you will have a fabulous life because you are YOU....fabulous :D
wow I'm sorry to hear that.
There are many people that are allergic to things in our environment. One of the worst allergies I've heard about was the lady that was allergic to water.
Well thanks for this post I have never imagined some disorder like that . Hope it is not affects your daily life quality a lot :(
You both look gorgeous
Good article and it will bring awareness to Cold Urticaria, I am sure!
You've been through a lot, and you use all your experiences to give you strength. Very inspiring to see you overcome issues and have much success in life! Thanks for the adorable kindergarten pic and you look kewl on the ATV!
Interesting, I've never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing.
Oh damned :( . I din't know that it can exist