Society has almost created this world where it’s no longer okay to feel.
We laugh at those more sensitive, And they appear weak. We swallow our feelings and just go about another day like nothing is happening. THis is incredibly unhealthy and will leave us broken at some point.
Excercise It Out
For years I’ve been addicted to running, and I never understood why. But then I began to notice a patten that whenever I felt emotionally overwhelmed, I would find myself running. Whether it was overwhelmed with happiness or sadness. Running helped me release the emotions so I could feel good the rest of the day or week.
When I was a teen, I struggled with so many things like many do. I didn’t know how to cope with my extreme bursts of anger or sadness. So I turned to a very bad way of coping. That involved cutting myself.
It’s odd how sometimes when you feel deep emotional pain, That the pain caused by slicing up my arm with a razor blade would calm my feelings of anger and sadness.
Sadly I was addicted to doing it until my early twenties when I was working at UPS. I noticed that working physically loading boxes helped me “get out” those emotions from my day. And was incredibly helpful emotionally.
I was also lucky to have coworkers who were kind enough to not judge or insult me for it; It was a really hot place to work, So I’d show up in shorts. Sometimes wrapping my arm in bandages. They’d sometimes ask questions but for the most part, did not pry.
Eventually, I was able to completely stop that horrible habit. And replace it with something healthy, that would also make me extra money!
Just Feel
Why is it that when we feel that gut-wrenching pain, we just swallow it and keep going? That only suppresses the emotions. So we have to deal with them later on.
Allow yourself to fully feel the pain. Allow yourself to suffer for a moment.
Writing how you feel on Steemit is also a great way to get your feelings out. It’s healthy, and it’s a great way to express yourself. You can also draw, paint or even color!
Steemit is a great place to “vent.”
You should never let your suppressed emotions build up. It’s unhealthy, People are dying of stress-related illnesses, and other things that can easily be prevented if you take care of your emotional health.
At times I've felt like I was weak when I got emotional. In reality it's when we're the strongest. Great post Linduh
Sometimes I feel like I’m on an emotional rollercoaster but if we don’t show our emotions , are we really living ? Sometimes I just want to scream . Emotions are always good to express , you feel better
Having emotions is healthy otherwise we would be like robots and life would be much much boring and less fun.
But certainly emotions can overwhelm us from time to time, so it’s important for us to not lose control when hard times comes, learn more about emotional intelligence and be humble enough to look for help in case we aren’t able to help ourselfs on our own.
Kudos to you for quitting that horrible habit, it’s not just the physical but also the psychological consequences adopting self harm habits can have in long term.
It's healthier to show emotions and get it out, rather than keep it bottled up. This is the reason I can only tear up and not proper cry yet as I didn't want to be seen in that state or seem weaker etc, from my early twenties. Now I try to let it out or work on it because nothing is wrong with crying!
I also killed off my feelings and emotions to make it easier to get out of my second (and horrible) engagement. It messed me up for a while and I advise against that.
thats good that you can channel your energy properly ... a lot of people will fall into a depression and not handle properly. running is a beautiful thing :) i get shin splints unfortunately :/
Exactly! Shin Splints suck! Why can't our legs be invincible ? LOL
it doesnt seem to bother me on a treadmill for some reason lol but id so much rather run outside!
What are these emotions you speak of??? Big Pharm just throws pills at us to help us coup with the pain... Extra $$$ is the answer... :) Gonna start writing everything down. Thanks Kay...
Right? It's sickening, I Understand SOME people my legitimately need medication to cope TEMPORARILY. But I keep seeing people who abuse them for years, and it really messes them up in the head. I don't think people realize how dangerous the medications can be.
My cousin worked for one of those companies. When she saw what was really going on she bolted for the door. She makes half of what she made before. Now she's doing something good and has never looked back...
glad to see you shared these thoughts and experiences..many of us in society need these tips..btw..I suggest everyone to love thyself talk express more..and to read this..and to get our habit of writing back..we're not writing anymore..idk why..
@kaylinart When I was young I chose alcohol and drugs to cover up feelings. Now that I have been free from substances for many years I am grateful that I can FEEL again. Sometimes those feelings are not pleasant but I get through those feelings and come out wiser on the other side.
Habits are everything. So glad you found a way to replace one that wasn't healthy.
good writing skill and with nice photo.thanks for sharing your moment.
Thank you
Same like me.You are beautifull @kaylinart..
Oww this is important speech about emotion.Your motivation speech also well write.
Thank you
So emotional....thank u so much.
thanks for sharinggood content @kaylinart ..
Thank you
Lovely piece
Nice post. Emotions are just a communicator that tell us something. For example, if you are lonely that just mean that you need a connection whit someone. And yes, you need to express your emotions, because suppression lead to depression.
Good friend
Everything is okay, as long as it's in moderation. It's okay to cry, laugh, grieve, play games, feel depressed, etc. Just don't go overboard with it.
after I read your post I so know how to overcome the emotional and problems, thank you for sharing @kaylinart
What timing. We were just talking about people who seem not to want to feel anything, and use prescription meds or edibles to avoid the highs and lows in life. I’m not talking about real depression or panic attacks’ but just the normal highs and lows of life.
Great advice, and I'm really glad you got out of that mess. Exercise is key in life, I am a bit lazy right now lol , but thinking seriously of getting back.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your dark experience and I hope it helps someone else.
I had a burst of anger in which I destroyed a door and my right hand, sometimes it gets overwhelming, I can't say for sure that now I can suppress that totally, but I feel way more peaceful
good writing

Emotions are what make us human! I definitely believe it's ok to express them, it's a lot more healthy that way as long as you do don't let something consume you
Awesome post.. keep it up!!