Normal Is Gone Forever!

in #life7 years ago

So many people are always complaining about their lives, The country they live in, And everything else.
"America Needs To Be Great Again"

What needs to happen with that?

The problem is, We see a point of history and wish things were like that again.
But with technology and innovation, Things are in a constant state of change. When we sit and wait for these changes to happen, We just set ourselves up for failure.

Act, Now!

When things start to change, It's time to act. Sure, Maybe you'll get lucky, and things will go back to the way they were. But there is still a good chance, That it may never happen. SO adjust your life accordingly. Those who are successful are those who can constantly adapt to changes.

You Don't Have To Have Everything Figured Out

That's the beauty of life, You can make changes when you are unhappy. Often we are on the fence about an important decision. As a result, we wait around to contemplate that choice. Instead of taking action.
Usually, the only way we will find out fully, What we want. Is by taking action and then adjusting to our needs.
Sometimes we don't know every aspect of the decision we are making Until we've already made the decision.


You Don't Have To Be Perfect!

We always seem to think we need to be good, Or in some cases perfect. To get what we want. The problem with that is, It makes us more prone to giving up, Or we get upset when we realize we can't control everything.
Sometimes we just have to take a chance And hope we get it right. Sometimes we can take lots of chances and eventually we will figure out how everything works.



Stop your complaining about how things were, This is how things are now, And there is nothing we can do about it, Except adapt and grow. We can't control everything, and we need to remember that.


I really don't quite get when I see Americans being unhappy with their country, I mean, it is one of the best countries in the world, and tons of people all over the planet would die to live there.

But you are right when saying we are the masters of our destiny. With our thoughts and actions we can change any negative circumstance into a positive one and accomplish pretty much everything we strive for.

It is important to take action, no matter how small it is as long as it help us get where we want. Proper thoughts, attitude and actions are the only things necessary to succeed in the long term, and each 3 of them are controlled by us, not by anyone or anything else.

Cheers :D

Right? I wouldn't know because I haven't traveled much.

Exactly! Tiny actions everyday are what ultimately get us to our goals, And many people don't realize it. Heheh.

Those are words spoken by someone a lot older then yourself. It is good to see change is inevitable in life and you have to adapt or live in misery rehashing the past!

It's better description of life motivation title. Let’s face it, it’s impossible to create your ideal ‘dream life’ if you aren’t sure what it actually looks like. Many people have no idea. So before you do anything else, give yourself some empty time with a blank page to map out what a truly extraordinary life looks like for you.Creating a vision for the future you want provides a compass to guide you forward.Thanks for sharing community.

You can't change most things, but you don't need to. Start making effort to make your life better on a daily basis. Little efforts over a sustained period of time will turn into serious results.

Problem is to often people want instant results. You don't go from a couch potato to running a marathon without first taking your first walk. Then a longer walk, then a walk run, and so forth. Each day you have activity to build up to that goal and it takes an extended period of time and a real commitment.

This is the same with anything worth having in life. Consistent effort to reach a desired goal.

Exactly! "instant results" is a serious problem with people's mentality these days.
Like you said, things take serious commitment.

Society has moved toward thinking everything is an emergency and should be resolved now! Sure a big part of it is that so much is at our fingertips. My kids want to know how big Norway's population is while we were watching the olympics..."OK Google, what is the population of Norway" and instantly they know.

You go on a website to shop and there is a chat option to answer your questions

Want to watch TV, you probably recorded it and didn't even have to care when it actually aired. No thought about changing your day around to see your favorite show season opener...just dvr it.

Our brains are being conditioned towards thinking everything should happen when we want without much effort. It's not the way the real world works...not the part of our lives that leads toward success, love, happiness, health, and wealth.

Scary sometimes thinking how future generations will see things as they have access to more and more things instantly.

Once you have outlined your plan, take action and never look back. Going into action can not guarantee the results. On the road to happiness will be mistakes, rejections and frustrations. But if you do not act, you will never change your situation and continue to be unhappy.

Happiness does not get caught overnight. No matter how hard you are, you have to keep going

Complaining tends to be a coded message you are sending out for someone to care about what you are going through. I find it rarely has much to do with a desire for someone to tell you how to fix it.

You have to develop self-discipline, and think about what you are about to say before you say it. If it is whiny, complainy, or self-pity-ish, then refuse to say it aloud. You can actually change your own mood by forcing yourself to say only positive things.

@kaylinart, This is i very important discussion. Many peoples need to instant result from their activities. But can't accept it. May be long term. We can't take instant success. Its a theory of psycology. It’s easy to live with excuses and justifications about why you can’t do what you want, at least not now. Maybe later. But inaction exacts an increasingly steep toll on our lives. Nothing is a more powerful antidote to fear than action. When you are feeling passionate, brave, focused, purposeful and absolutely determined to achieve a particular outcome, you’re unstoppable.

World is small and life is short...Spread smiles and share peace.

It's quite an age prophecy declared that the situation of this system of thing is subjected to change not even for good but for bad or worse. Now, we all see it, it is visibly seen!
Making the best out of every situation should be our watchword, making complains would only add fuel to fire.
Nice words coming from @kaylinart, You're genius!

Ooh my goodness, you are totally right, but the thing which matters a lot in our life, the word Expectation sometimes it is good for us, but many times it worse for us, people made the relation for getting benefits for us.
Actually, all of these things strongly linked with each other, the change, the expectation, the perfection, the acceptance, all of these surrounding the life, but we should be spent the life with all with forgiveness, i think if we do that, all the happiness become a true part of our life, this is whats in our hand, if we made a strong decision, the sorrow will never come back, its all up to our thinking which must be changed for accepte the change, which is happening every minute.
Thanks for your epic contribution...
Steem On....

I agree with you that you dont have to have everything figured out.
You need to act now.

Exactly! We can't have everything figured out when we haven't seen everything.

It's better depiction of life inspiration title. Let be honest, it's difficult to make your optimal 'dream life' on the off chance that you aren't sure what it really resembles. Numerous individuals have no clue. So before you do whatever else, give yourself some vacant time with a clear page to outline what a genuinely phenomenal life looks like for you

Normal is a warm cozy blanket, but there is so much that changes. I know I need space to adjust and adapt now and again.

Good advice! Thanks!

The country needs actions not words

Good writing for motivation of life...
I appreciate it...
Thanks for the great post

Everyone lives with dream.I read you story,very logical and you have include
"America Needs To Be Great Again"....very nice
I apprecite your blog.
Keep it up

Very good reflection of not being alone with crossed arms but acting.

“Let’s make America great again” Have I heard that already?lol
I guess we are both fans of the same person if I’m not mistaken.
Great “Don’t complain” post!

Hi! @kaylinart I see your post, it's really awesome photos collection.

Change comes from within us .
In order to change the world , we have to change ourselves first . We shouldn’t expect anything from the world or anyone , because nothing is guaranteed . I feel like every time I depend , I always get let down .

Great post for a Sunday afternoon. Thank you for reminding me how very important and insignifigant we are at the very same time. We need to start taking things less seriously. Shoot for Greatness, Perfection is a much smaller Target.

Be who you are!

I agree with you @kaylinart
So many people always complain about their lives, the country they live in, and everything else. "America Needs to Be Great Again" What needs to happen with it? The problem is, we see the point of history and hope for such things again..
preventing poverty from developing

thank you for sharing the apple good apple beautiful view friend @kaylinart

i am inspire about him from your post.
thank you for your post.

Nice post. Sometimes we can't help but want some kinda change. If the ball is your court then go for change, strive towards change. Sometimes it hard to sit back and watch as normal is gone, I guess we'll have to adapt if we got no control over it.

You kind of nailed it. It seems people worry only about other people or other groups and what they're doing. Trying to put everyone in their convenient boxes and labels. Positive for people we agree with negative if we disagree. Spending time and energy trying to change or control others, when In reality we are all individuals, and at the end of the day the only person we have complete control of is ourself. So if we could maybe focus on making ourselves the best people we can be. It might go a long way to helping everyone.

Starting with an idea is the main thing. Every great achievement starts with a step, even if that step is taken without a clear picture of the end result.People will see faults or inadequacies in your approaches, but as much as you take some corrections, you don't try to be perfect because no matter what approach you choose to take, people will still have their reservations about it.
Take a step today and lunch into the deep. Thanks @kaylinart

In this life we ​​must always be able to accept with all situations about our circumstances, never giving up is something we have to do, success will surely come @kaylinart

As I always like to say, being perfect doesn't mean to be flawless, it means to be perfectly unique :)

Nothing will ever go back to the way things were.
Everything keeps changing all the time.
There is either always something we can do about how things are, or never.
Learn to accept.
Become a daoist.
(Btw: America never was great)

Excellent Post We always look forward to new from you

Love this. Great outlook and how we should go about thinking about the future. Things will NEVER be the same, but they can get better or worse -- let's make them better.

America dreams country for future

I continue to be amazed by the unique and powerful souls I meet in here :)
Thank you for this spiritual upliftment, @kaylinart !
shine on ;)

The one who is able to adapt to almost every possible scenario is the one who has what it takes.I've been taught from school that there isn't anything perfect.There is close to perfection but in order to achieve that you need to work hard and be patient, be able to adapt.

Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.

your conclusion of the subject is well explained, what happens is that today people are not satisfied with what they have and everything complains, if it is true the time of yesterday is not equal to the present and the present will not be the same in the future

This is so true, even here in the Philippines, many people would like to go back to the things they are comfortable with but they don't realize that this is how things are now and there is so little one can do because people, the society will move forward. Technology and Innovation is a fast growing aspect in life, and I believe that we can really make changes when we are unhappy. Thank you @kaylinart!

We don't need to be perfect or have every thing before change that's for the motivating post

V nice ... all the best .....

It's easy to create a perspective of "normal" that makes us feel comfortable, and then freak out when that changes. Learning how to adapt to changes and accept that life is "abnormal" is important!
I try to have control over things, but it's always a false sense of security because it's impossible to control everything.
Thanks for always giving me positive reminders on how to do this crazy life thing! 😁

Thanks for the post! I think many people will find support in it. I especially liked the idea that you don't have to be perfect. As soon as you give up this idea, life becomes easier and happier!

I don't complain about life or the way things are. They're perfect. They are exactly the way they were supposed to be.

Whenver whatever happens, it happens then n there.

Always creative

What a powerful thought and source of motivation. You made sense. A lot of sense. People all over the world clamor for change, they yearn for a better family, education, finance, relationship, etc. the list just goes on. But when it comes to acting to make it happen, accepting reality and believing that you are not at the end of the road, they tend to shy away. My country Nigeria is a typical case study. In fact, the present political administration has a slogan: CHANGE. Ironically, the more you look, the less you see. Many fresh graduates, many of my colleagues in computer science, continue to hope for jobs that are not there. Some resort to discouragement and self-pity. I ask them a question: How much have you done on self development, What are you doing to show that you have adjusted to the unemployment situation?
I try to let them know that we have to have an open mind. Never you think that it cant work for me. Do not ever believe that you do not have the right circumstances to start up. I always tell them a story of my journey in web designing. When i started after graduation in 2014, i meet small businesses to tell them how they can benefit if they have a website. I do aggressive marketing to try to convince them to own a website. The irony, i dont even have one. But because of my eagerness and manner of confidence, one or two gave me the opportunity to showcase what i can do and i never let them down.
So, hello everyone, let us NEVER SAY NEVER. Let us not NEVER DWELL ON THE PAST. And surely, may we NOT WAIT FOR THE PERFECT CIRCUMSTANCES OR SITUATIONS. Take a little step each time, analyze the result, if it is positive, try to improve it. If negative LEARN FROM IT, and move on. Truly, NORMAL IS GONE FOREVER.

El ser humano es complejo, y los cambios tienen que ser desde nuestro yo interior, basado en la sensatez, tolerancia , para que las otras cosas funcionen

Many people do not value that they live in a country where they can find a stable job, stay on a daily basis and eat quietly. they should not think that in other countries they would not find the same there are people who would like to have that privilege

I really liked your conclusion

Stop your complaining about how things were, This is how things are now, And there is nothing we can do about it, Except adapt and grow. We can not control everything, and we need to remember that.

Very pretty