Things Don't Happen Overnight

in #life7 years ago


We often see those overnight successes. We compare ourselves to them; then we think we can achieve the same results. But that's not the case; many people don't get overnight success. Success is a result of the long hard hours of work. Habits and continuous improvement is what gives you what you want in your life. And while you may see other people get the type of success that you want overnight, you can't expect the same results.

Don't Be A Perfectionist

We often get tied up with this idea that we can have this perfect life and have everything done correctly. But even people who are good at their craft will still screw up sometimes. Not Every author will produce perfect books every time. Not every singer will have a perfect performance every time. Sure we could work on something all day. And maybe it comes close to perfect but at what expense?

We're left with less done.
Sometimes getting more done, At a lower quality can have many more benefits.


Don't Multitask

The biggest lie of my life is that multitasking would speed up how much you could get done in a day. Multitasking is terrible, and you get less done causing more stress on your brain. It's so much better to do one thing at a time that we can complete, that will motivate you to do more things afterward. But getting nothing done will cause you to lose motivation. Your brain is incapable of "multi-tasking." What's happening, Is our brain is rapidly switching between the 2 or 3 tasks. Which is a huge overload to our brains.

Say No

We are often afraid to say no. Whether it's to a family member or friend or colleague, we feel that they'll take it personally, or they won't like us much anymore. But the reality is, we often get too many opportunities these days. And we can pursue everything. You can also say no to all sorts of things, not just people but also opportunities.

If you accept every opportunity, then you won't progress very far in one field. This is what many people do, becoming good at a few things is sometimes better than becoming descent in a little bit of everything. Life is short; we should surround ourselves with things that we really want to do rather than things that we have to do to get by.

Get Rid Of Toxic People

There are so many toxic people these days; it seems popular to be negative as much as possible. Just look at social media such as Facebook. It's filled with so much negativity; positive posts are becoming rarer each day. Surround yourself with people who bring you up in more abundant life. If you work in a negative workplace, leave. These people drag you down! Toxic people pull you away from success; you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time around. So choose wisely

Take Risks

Some of the best things I've done in my life has been possible because I've taken a risk. Sometimes it's terrifying, like quitting your job. But it's necessary if you want to get where you want to be in life. Unless you want a life like everybody else, you're going to have to do things that are different from everyone else. And sometimes these things are uncomfortable, really scary. This is why having a backup plan is sometimes a good idea. But not even this is always possible. Sometimes you have to take the ultimate risk with no backup plan, and hope things go with for the best. The best thing about this, Is if you fail. Then you will probably learn a lot about the overall experience and know to do better next time.


People want easy success. But the problem is many people don't get easy success, most of us will have to work extremely hard for it. And it will be worth it! Don't become frustrated, as the things that you are doing aren’t paying off. Sometimes it takes a different approach, and a new plan will change everything. Learn all that you can, sometimes the people doing better than you just know something that you don't.



You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.
Jim Rohn

Loving what I'm reading in this one!

If you focus on everything, you focus on nothing.

Exactly! I love that quote hehe.

Be happy , and celebrate every success . I think these 2 needs to be inharent too. Nice write up. Thanks for the value.

I've been screwing up most things all my live, 54 years with lots of crap. Working hard on steemit for nearly 2 years with no improvement, maybe I'm just meant to fail :(

NOOOOOOOO! Stay here! I'm not sure what the problem is :(. I feel like engagement has been down lately. Maybe they'll release something new to bring more people back?

I keep trying i keep interacting but my numbers keep going down. I'm doing something wrong

hope is the utimo that is lost .. if you goes wrong ... try to analyze the situation and find the solution, everything in this life has a solution .. with a positive mind and willpower you will see that your numbers will increase. .

My number is very low and I have not given up yet that one day everything will improve.

Most of the time i love out here others not so much :)

if I understand you ... sometimes I feel bad because I spend hours writing a great article to only earn a few cents .. while others only put 1 meme and generate $ 50 for that publication.
sometimes life is unfair but you have to adapt to it

I know that, believe me life has been unfair. I just get down on myself some times. Was going after nearly 2 years to be doing better... must try harder

Maybe I'm just meant to fail :(

Those words reminds me of my former orientation before I embraced two rules to success. They are:

  • Rule number 1: NEVER GIVE UP

Please keep on with your Posts, I just hopped into your blog and realise that you are almost as old as the platform. I just got here, please stay on. I am going to be following up on your posts as much as I can starting from today.

You are not doing anything wrong, may be a little more attention at the grey areas will help.

I keep trying, i work really hard on here, have done since day 1. Some days i need a kick to get getting. Think my whole blog of a grey area. Thank you for your message I'll come check you out :)

You are Awesome just like many persons I've met here. The platform gives us something worth more than the monetary reward and that's family bond.

Keep being awesome Karen, it pays more than Steemit.

I agree, i am always putting myself down. Something i have got to stop doing

Thanks fir your willingness to stop putting yourself down. You are super AWESOME

I agree i must try :)

Stomps feet
But I want easy success! Sobs
:) If it were easy I would've been in a full time job, or gotten work already again, or be in a better place. But we never have things go to plan in life and expecting those overnight results will just lead to disappointment, unless you get lucky and your hard work DOES pay off overnight.

Exactly! Things are so unexpected hehehe XD
Hopefully we will all get that lucky! But I certainly doubt it.

So glad I came across this positive and insightful post. My friend @kenistyles shared it and I was able to get over here to upvote & support you. I love positive posts about "conscious awareness" and living more balanced lives. Lots of good nuggets in this article. Will be following and supporting your journey here. 🙏

I've been guilty of multitasking so much! These days I try not to and I definitely get more done.

Right? It can be easy to accidentally multi task. Some of us just have the bad habit! Lol.

case and point, Steemit. Definitely going to have to work hard for success here nowadays. It seems like nobody is out there supporting content.

Your advice is great and I hope new members will remain diligent.

Exactly! it's a lot harder than it used to be. I keep telling people the sooner they join, The better.

I know. I think that it's good the price is low right now to give people a chance to buy in. I made my purchases too high and earning through posting is really tough right now. If I wasn't selling my votes I think I would be completely turned off to steemit right now. I'm hanging in there but I see rough waters ahead for the platform if new members can't get excited.

Only truths in this one!

Especially the 'you are the product of the 5 closest people around you' is food for thought. A lot of food for thought even!

Loving what you put out here @kaylinart Thank you! Found you through @kenistyles and our SMG - following you an sending you good vibes from Chiang Mai, Thailand.

It is really inspiring and revolves around the truth that great things dont happen overnight.
I also like ur being focused thoughtHi @kaylinart

Very motivational. The best post I have seen all day.
I agree, overnight success is all but a joke.
We see people become successful but we don't really see the efforts and hard work they have put forth. We only think about being successful but we don't really act like that.
And I agree with you that their are many things that weigh us down. We should get rid of negativity and negative people all at once and taking risks is the key. If we don't take risks we can't succeed. Taking risks is the key to everything big. Thanks for the insight.

Solid advice! :)

Thank you :)

The perfectionist part struck a nerve. I’m always striving for the impossible and lose out on trying anything because of that.

Aww Right? I used to be a perfectionist, But with time and effort you can change it luckily :)

I love the Take Risk part more. Many people are afraid of leaving their comfort zones and taking that huge leap to endless breakthru.

I used to fear taking risks but I realised that the more I hold back from taking calculated risks, the more Stagnant I am.

Attending workshops and listening to great motivators helped me out of the dungeon of not taking risk.

BTW, how did you produce that first Artwork please?

wow you're Written so well, thanks for your valuable knowledge share with us. It's my pleasure to see your content and i enjoyed a lot.

If you want something in life you have to truly go after it. Have your shit together, keep your shit together and never lose your shit. A frat brother once wrote that to me. You offer sound advice on reaching your goals. Indeed a recipe. Thanks @kaylinart

I think the effort we put into things is to make us conscious of our own intentions. Things that are just handed to us rarely mean as much as the things we have to work for and create. If something isn't worth the effort perhaps it's our own way of telling ourselves that this isn't what we want or are meant to be doing. :)

Life would be boring if everything went right.

nice post

I came to apologize for before @kaylinart!

"Sometimes getting more done, At a lower quality can have many more benefits."

I arrived at that same conclusion earlier today—that I have to be consistent and can't wait on everything just to make it "perfect". There are so many things I want to work on, and I have an analogy for how I was doing things; like it was me trying to build an entire building one unit at a time.

I was wondering what the root of my demotivation could be, and after reading your post I'm sure of the answer now!


Toxic people!!! So True, my life has changed drastically since letting go of a few people. My inner world more than anything, I didn’t even realize until after I developed inner peace how much of my emotional energy was being robbed

When i was a school going boy i read in my english text book "Hardworking is the key to success" and teacher threw light on this wonderful quote and it became a myth of my life since then i followed it. It is my faith that man gets whatever he strives for, yes it depends upon the struggle we put to achieve the aims of our lives. Success is not piece of cake which one can achieve easily, definitely i demands continuous struggle ... well said,

Success is a result of the long hard hours of work. Habits and continuous improvement is what gives you what you want in your life.

Many people on the #steemit are feeling down due to the low rates of SBD and Steem, my suggestion to all the wonderful members is: Never lose hope, consistency pays off Guys. Just keep up the good work and let rock the world :)

Thank you so very much @kaylinart for putting the positive energy

@kaylinart thanks for vote now i following you

I am not going to Give UP it is not in my nature. One of the best things I ever did was let some TOXIC Friends go in my life. It's a Great Feeling especially if these people were constantly bringing you down................@kaylinart I like this posting very much and I am willing to work hard and not expect instant success................

Thank you I agree multitasking is a disaster..if we are focused on one goal at time we can achieve success

Some motivational lines i read their.
A huge respect to you maam.
Keep steeming.

Been struggling with this a bit myself, so many people have tons of time on their hands and sometimes seeing others progress makes me question where I am in my own path. Need to remember to stay focused and not spread myself to thin trying to catch up.

Yes right life isn't that easy as people think you should fall 999 times to success once, if Thomas Edison surrendered on his first step the world was living in darkness and as you said too we should take the risk if we want to achieve our dreams.

Really great article... I was getting a little demotivated watching the overnight successes, and to keep ploughing away for small gains. This article gives me a big boost, to read there are succesful steemians dealing with the same. Let’s keep at it!


Hard work, diligence, and focus always pays off. Even if not in the direction you began it can lead to another better path but you only got there because you were diligently working your way towards a goal. Good advice all round.

Great post! Wish I'd found it sooner, will be sharing and resteeming! 100% UPVOTED :)

Lots of uplifting words of wisdom in this list you've made.
If we all followed these, imagine what our world would be like?
Starts with each of us individually...
Blessings and good vibes to you for sharing this!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment