Things That You NEED To STOP Believing!

in #life7 years ago

We believe a lot of bull crap in our lives! Here are some things that you need to stop believing.

There is one pathway to success

Many of us are raised on the belief that success is having lots of education, Going to college, Getting Married, Having children and owning a house.

  • Success may involve moving up the corporate latter. Making more money over time, Competing against everyone else to get that next promotion.
    This is garbage!
    There is more than one pathway to success. For example instead of focusing on that "steady" paycheck, Starting your own business definetly has its benefits. Besides when you compete with everyone in the same company for a particular job, Then you are competing with more people then if you were to pick out a great niche to start your own business.

Having kids, Owning a home, ever since I was a child, This hasn't been my definition of success. This type of "American Dream" was never appealing to me. I always wanted more freedom and adventure, Which having kids, A steady job, And a house can somewhat limit that freedom.

Also, many people follow their family, Or their friends when defining success for their lives. This can be harmful in the long run when you wake up and realize you didn't get what you wanted out of your life. That you ended up doing everything that your friends and family wanted to do instead.

You need to ask yourself, What is the definition of success for you! And go with that!

Stop Holding Off On Your Dreams!

This is one of my biggest pet peeves...
I ask people what they want to do in life, And they tell me, I ask them WHEN WILL they go through with it, and I hear the same assortments of answers...
"I Don't Know"
" Maybe in 5 years or so."
"Maybe in 10 years or so."

Or My sister's answer.
"I'll do it when I'm 40."
She's 22 right now

She says that to everything Haha. It sounds like when she turns 40 she's going to be CRAZY busy! You know writing a book, traveling, etc.

I don't mean to sound morbid. But imagine it's your last day of life. What would you want to accomplish?
What are some things you want to do or see?
So many people hold off on their dreams When they should dive in head first.
I see so many people holding off on traveling, And doing fun things because their boss won't give them the day off.
Especially at my age, Early/the mid-twenties. This is probably the last of our "Lesser responsibility" part of our lives, Some of us aren't married yet, And don't have kids. Why not do that traveling, And other fun stuff we want to do. When people give me the "I Don't know" answer, I know for a fact, They will never do the thing that they wanted. Unless some amazing opportunity comes along.

Want to write a book? Get started, Even if you only spend 10 minutes a day writing. Do. Something. Now.

My Goal is to travel....
So I've been looking into woofing, Growing my Businesses, Saving my money and investing, and I'm about to apply for my passport, My goal is to start traveling more frequently within a year or two.

If you want to do something in life sometimes its about the daily practice, It's about the consistency.


This is related to the holding off; People like to wait until they are "ready." What does that even mean? When you get so comfortable with the idea of trying something new that it comes with no effort?

That's RARE! If not impossible!
Was I ready to quit my job?
Heck no! I was shaking and losing my mind; I was terrified. How can I sustain myself with my businesses?
But guess what?
I did it.

You are NEVER ready for anything, And if you wait until you are ready for things, you'll never get anywhere.
Life is scary.
Newness is scary.
Everything is scary.
Take a deep breath and DO IT!

We overthink things, Which makes us more scared

One reason we often feel "Not Ready" Is because we overthink things to the point of feeling like nothing good will come out of it. Almost like we are guaranteed negative results no matter what we do.

But the negative results are often blown out of proportion, and they do not happen. And if they do happen, It's often worth the cost of trying something new! You'll never get anywhere you want to go in life unless you try new things.


@kaylinart, you just shared a well known truth no one really wants to know about. I guess deep down in everyone there is some fearless and adventurous character but most of us like to surpress it as it's easier and more comfortable to go with the mass instead of the opposite way 😕

Many people define success as being wealthy or famous. They think that someone who is wealthy is more successful than those who are not. As a result, making money becomes their top priority. They might even sacrifice other things such as health or family, which i believe is the true success.If your healthy and have a perfect family, then you are the most successful person.

There are probably as many definitions of success as there are people on the planet... and they far from agree with each other!

They can practice by taking cold showers, it's scary and uncomfortable, but just do it and you'll be fine

LOL! They probably could! Hahha NIce comment :)

in other words
forget everything they taught you in school
except math
and even there i'm not fully convinced ^^ It depends on the school ^^

One of the best pieces of wisdom I heard when it comes to excuses ("when I have more time," etc) is the truism "You will never have more time than you have right now!"

We just need to get off our duffs and DO those things that matter to us!

I love that quote! It's so true!

@kaylinart the one thing i cant stop beleaving in is #karma
What goes around comes around
Well the things u told is also 100% true fact of life and please help this new guy to rise on this new world of steemit cause ds guy also dont beleave in looking back at his shit life

Please vote for help

Yes, write even if it is only 10 minutes a day. I like that.

Exactly! It will make a HUGE DIFFERENCE OVERTIME!

This post received a 35% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kaylinart! For more information, click here!

Get busy and ward off the spirit of idleness inside. That's what i keep telling myself when i feel reluctant of starting something new.

Smart post. Very true! Thanks for sharing!

Love it! I say success is what makes you happy. No one but you can truly determine whether or not you are successful and enjoying life. What works for one person could makes someone else miserable; even if you are rich beyond your wildest dreams, if you aren't enjoying life, you probably don't feel very successful.

Success is measured in my world by happiness. I have success in waking up to a beautiful family a roof over my head and food in the cupboards. The question I have, is when or what is enough money to make most feel they are successful. Would it ever be enough? Thanks

Very Nice Dude
Written with highly intellectual Mind
Its state of an Art

Success means doing what you want, not just what you can

the American Dream, in my opinion is a trap of slavery. And, this so called American dream has spread all of the world with countries trying to be like 'America.' I definelty see this in Chile. I am so thankful for places like steemit that can help someone like me break free from that model. Great post @kaylinart

Preaaach! Upvoted!

It also drives me nuts when people say they will do this or that 5 or 10 years later. Sometimes I even follow up with them 5 or 10 years later and guess what? 99% of the time they haven't taken any action toward their goal, not to mention haven't achieved it. It drives me crazy!!!!

Thanks @kalyinart, I WILL do that thing!!

Very smart post. Having you own business has many struggles but you are building for your own future not the "carrot follow" and the promises of corporate that may never happen.

nice post! upvoted and followed

success is when you understand the meaning of life.

Inspiring post, but please do tell me what is 'woofing'?

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, or Willing Workers on Organic Farms, is a hospitality service operated by a loose network of national organizations that facilitate homestays on organic farms.

All great advice! We should all be pushing on on the paths to our own dreams regardless of the naysayers (even when they come from within).

I know exactly the point you are making, that's why we have to be positive...don't let the worry get to you. Read the book called "bac in control" by David Hanscum's a great book. UPVOTED and ALREADY FOLLOWED LOVE YA @kaylinart

@kaylinart, maybe some people just like running away from the truth or reality because they are afraid of something or waiting for it to happen by itself . The truth is that nothing is going to be handed to you , the path to success is long with some holes in between , if we can see the end , it's a possibility !

Success in any endeavor is making a solid commitment followed by a large dose of persistence and perspiration.

Have to keep striving !

Very inspirational post, thabks for sharing;

Good points throughout....and the list can go on and on and vary for each and every person.

"Having to be established in your job/career in order to be worthy of being in a relationship with someone"

This was one I didn't realize I did years ago when I went through a rough patch financially and felt like I would be a burden to a partner so didn't date during that period.

Just nonsensical, the other person decides whether they want to date someone that may or may not have their stuff together, you don't decide it for them.

I love ur post..! @kaylinart

Not sure if it's an "age thing" but I totally believe in creating your life in such a way that it IS your dream.

People so often talk about "their dreams" like they are this external "other" thing, like a pair of shoes. But your dreams are part of YOU, part of your energy. Even if you can't have your dreams "in this moment," you can still create your life in such a way that every step you take while doing something else still is a step into your dreams... and what that means is that when opportunity comes knocking, you're ready to TAKE it, not just stand there looking at your feet, mumbling "errmm... I'm not quite ready..."

Need to believe in yourself and work to be the best you can be

Great post!

So many of my closest childhood friends have bought into the false belief of success. Because of it, I have really drifted away from them. So many of them are working on school and careers, while we are trying to be as free and mobile as possible. I am married with a toddler and another one on the way, but that is success to me. That wasn't something I chose because I felt pressured to or that it was the "path to success." Success is different for everyone.

We will never be ready. Something in life we should never think much. Just do it. Often we plan and in a way, procrastinate, consoling, "Will do tomorrow"
I think life is just a broad reflection of it.
We should jump into the journey we love to do. In your case, it's travel.
Life will be scary but will be fun.
The newness will be scary it will be adventurous
Everything will be scary but you will find the meaning from it.
Afterall, its our/your life.

Very good post. Loved it. Thanks for this!

My grandmother always said, "Go while you can!" Acting like there's no tomorrow may not be effective in the long-run, but "Go while you can!" has worked for me for a long time.

Great post i love it.

Well written!
Completely agree with this. I too happen to encounter with people who have lots of things for the future or as you said hold off, when they should start doing it. And no matter how much you tell them they always seem to have so many "reasons" .

Hi Lin- i am an artist too so i followed you -D

Hi @kaylinart, good post. I am a fairly new Steemer who only just got started here. It would be great if you would check out my blog and click the follow button if you enjoy reading my content. Much appreciated!

Very insightful post @kaylinart. I definitely tend to hold off on things a lot. Life gets crazy and then I focus on one thing! Lol. So thank you for this reminder! :)

"You will never be ready" goes hand in hand with your article about "doing everything half fast." Sometimes you have to stop planning for the future, and plan for the now. Love what this article address traditional stereotypes of how to live life. I can't say I don't fall into these mindsets sometimes, but I try my best to be more open minded. :)

muhhaaaaa, Stalking older posts :) I missed this one and enjoyed it because i can relate! I took a huge leap of faith quitting my decent job in the UK and buying a jewelers shop in Spain! That didn't work out but i'm still in another part of Spain enjoying my new life! Change is scary right, but worth the risk!