So many people are obsessed with waiting, They procrastinate. There is no sense of urgency in anything they want to do in life.
Do you think you will live forever or something?
Our lives are incredibly short. And if you truly want to own a business, Or have a nice house, Or make new friends. You need to get started on that stuff now!
Just Go!
Google is this magical thing; You can look up how to obtain certain goals if you aren't sure. Sometimes the pathway to our goals can be a little confusing and random. Look it up and get started on the first step FAST!
Don't worry too much about what you do or don't' have. You'll never have a perfect moment for anything.
What Will "Older You" Think?
You may feel unmotivated because you know you won't get results right away. But What if you could talk to your future self a year from now, Five years from now? I'm sure that you, would be grateful that you started today. And little actions each day add up. A workout here and there may not seem to be helping. But in the long run, you will become more in shape; Your weight may start to go Down. And you'll get the weight loss that you wanted.
This goes for all goals that you have too
Many people are obsessed with the final result, The big actions. But the reality is the small daily activities, and the consistency adds up more than any massive move. In the long run.
You Can Change Your Mind
A lot of people are convinced that once they make decisions, they have to stick with it for the rest of their lives....
That's just so silly
If you decide tomorrow you don't like the path you are on; You can change it. And you don't owe an explanation to anyone.
Some people feel afraid of changing their path. Sometimes it's because of the extra responsibility associated with their decision. Other times They are concerned with what people will think of them.
Just Roll WIth It
Sometimes when things aren't working out, We know deep down it's the right decision. At that point, Just roll with it.
Earlier this year my biggest source of income, My Drop shipping store, Changed it's payout method OVERNIGHT. My largest source of income, Became a crippling debt. I was left in over 9,000 Worth of debt due to purchasing customers products. Some people may have seen that was a sign that being self-employed wasn't meant to be. (I was only self-employed for 5 Months At this point).
But I knew I still wanted to be self-employed, so I stuck with my decision and rolled with it anyways. And things ended up working out, Steemit bailed me out of debt. And they are still gradually paying me the 14,000 They owe me. Sometimes when your choice is crazy, you gotta roll with it. I bet most of us on Steemit can relate to this. I've had so many people tell me that "Steemit is a scam." I try and educate them on it, and they don't believe me. But deep down I know this platform is going to take off. So I try and invest as much as I possibly can into the platform. Heck early on, I even put 600 of my own money on the platform! Everyone told me that I wouldn't get it back. But when the price went to 2 or 3 I took it out. Doubling or tripling my money!
Listen to your gut! Roll with your decisions despite naysayers!
So many people let life slip through their fingers. WHY ARE YOU HERE!? Why are you on this planet? Go for what you want, While you can! Life is short!
Exactly, in the end there is never the perfect time or perfect opportunity. When we decide we want to do something, that moment right there is the best time to take action toward it!
I need to be more like this!
I love your posts. And most of all I like the faith you have in Steemit! I admire your courage and fingers crossed maybe one day I will say "Enough, it's time for living here and now, and not tomorrow like you do!"
Your post provokes and I like it.
Especially the part of changing our mind.
A bible verse comes in my mind:
When I was young I was thinking like a child but as I grew up my thoughts changed as well.
It's not the literally interpreted but it matches the point.
Wedon'tt need to stick with older decisions we are free to make a turn to the left or right because now we are seeing better.
As you said.
Life is short, we should use our time wisely
procrastination is my way of life. haha
Love it. Lots of time we say "I'll do it tomorrow, I'll start tomorrow or when I'm ready". TOMORROW is your biggest ENEMY because it starts with today. Today is the day. Most of us wait till tomorrow, which never comes.
"JUST DO IT" says it all and that is the way I try to live my life. And yes, we can't think of what others think because that is not their life. Everyone has their own dreams and paths of life and if you are not happy, then you really have to change something in your life or it will never change.
Thank you for the tips and this great post. Upvoted and following to see more of your posts.
As the quote goes :@kaylinart - True. While I personally am fairly ok at planning my vision (for a project or life in general), breaking it down into actionable tasks and then executing them, many people get stuck at various stages and can never take action.
@kaylinart this posting just got me motivated to get a lot more things done today. I am looking Forward and not looking Back anytime soon. Stay Positive, Attitude is everything !!!
This post came in the right moment, i just want to thank you for this :) this was me in this last days, not anymore i hope ...
Many people wake up each morning with the same lack of motivation they had the day before. They simply float through life...I like to ask myself each night before bed "What did you do today to grow as a person?"
I can sort of relate to some parts of it.. I used to pursue a completely different career (IT), then when the crisis hit in 2008, I didn't had anything to do at work anymore.. bored to death (ofc lucky i kept my job).. but going to work everyday to just play videogames or watch movies is only good for a few weeks.. after that you are wondering why you even have to come in..
So i picked up a pencil and started drawing.. now 8 years later I work on the games I used to play and work on sequels to the movies I watched :)
This is indeed very relatable article. Rather than just pondering over, it's best to start, to experiment. It's very much like investing. The earlier you start, even with a tiny amount, the better it gets with time.
Thank you for your motivational speech ! Have a wonderful day !
Precisely, at last there is never the ideal time or immaculate open door. When we choose we need to accomplish something, that minute in that spot is the best time to make a move toward it!
information very good all picuters shearing halp my vote pelese
I remember the words of Janet Evanovich many years ago who told me to be a great writer you have to put your butt in the chair and write. Any question -- I will be glad to repeat it again and again. 25 novels later I still hear her words on a daily bases.
That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way :)
Thank you :)
Believe in yourselves, folks.
Inspiring post! Keep it up!
Good Post
How do you create the pinterest picture at the end. I guess more specifically what do you do? Make it a certain size?
Im not waitint and have started waking up earlier and working out
great post - don't let fear hold you back
Well said and there are always so many missed opportunities or problems that could arise just from a small bit of hesitation. Changing your mind is always an option and I did it 3 times with my career path.
Hope you are doing well and having a good day Lin 😊
@kaylinart I Love your great work !
Really positive conclusion @kaylinart this is so true and need reminding of these facts from time to time as we can all get caught up in our busy life schedule we forget whats really important.
Such an inspirational text! loved it❤️
So true. Just go for it and everything falls into place. It is so easy to take the first step and for some reason the most difficult.
Couldn't agree more! Although I think fear holds many of us back from just going for it!
This was an awesome article @kaylinart.. I can relate to thinking about the older me looking back. I'm always thinking about what to do and if I'm waisting time. The fact of the matter is that I want to be happy and chase my dreams. The time is now !
I feel like we often say we will wait on something but how do we know if it's even guaranteed ? We often waste time just waiting when in the end , it may just be a waste of time . Honestly I would just live in the moment and do what you gotta do , tomorrows not even promised
Well, I am waiting for more Steem power :)
just do it
Even if you fail miserably..., you'll look back and be so happy you were TRYING.
Love this! Thank you so much!
This is a post of faith and I love it! Gotta keep going, and being okay to change your mind is something that we often forget that we can do. Everything does look difficult at first glance, that's why the first piece of advice is to just start, learn, and keep going towards your goals. I want the future me to be proud of myself when I look back as well.
Great job with sticking towards your goals <3
Whenever I feel the need to want to put off work, or procrastinate on certain things, I always bring myself back tot his little reminder. STOP WAITING FOR SH*T! DO IT NOW! You'll never get anywhere, or have any measurable amount of success if you never take risk.
Resteemed and upvoted*
Hello, kaylinart,
I have only recently come across steemit but I was kindly received, tell my life story here as I unfortunately had to experience it and hope that other women do not suffer so.
I got a little bit involved and it looks promising out of this platform and just like duch schreibst, I listened to my gut feeling and now I write here with enthusiasm
Eileen Sue - Story of my Life
nice photo
Thanks for your motivational post. the time not wait for none. People want security in life and this make them puzzle more. They do not find the passion they have already. World is really open and only things to grab the opportunity. No matter where you are !
I would be waiting for dat girl tho :D
Nice read
Just what I needed to hear tonight. Thanks.
@kaylinart, I found you because of the callout by @samstonehill as a person who helped him with the Bali disaster relief after he was hacked recently. Upvoted and following you now. I love your profile page banner design! Totally cool! And this is a great article, too. Cheers!