Who Are You, Really?

in #life4 months ago


I don't know if you've heard the quote, "What offends you might be true." If someone criticizes a quality, you KNOW you don't have. You aren't going to be as offended if at all.
With all these movements on social media, it's no wonder that many of us are lost. We are taught to embrace all our qualities and not feel guilt over anything we have. This causes us to be semi-proud of our bad habits. I see this all over the place every day.
There is a vast difference between shaming people and encouraging people to feel guilt over a quality they have so they can work on it. We all have bad qualities, and it's okay to accept the fact that you aren't where you want to be right now. But it's also important to realize that we can change these parts of ourselves and are only stuck with these qualities for a while.


We often fake confidence.

The more I learn about psychology and body language, the more I notice how many people put on this facade of who they want to be but aren't. At some point, you need to confront that part of yourself and figure out how to become the person you want to be, which is entirely possible. It can be hard to admit that we are insecure, But these things are necessary to admit to ourselves otherwise there is no chance for change.


We Don't Take Responsibility

Being wrong sucks! What's even more challenging is admitting it, whether you are surrounded by your peers at work. Or telling your spouse you made a huge mistake that will cost so much money to fix. It's so much easier to get that part out of the way. To admit that we messed it up and hold ourselves accountable, you can get to the part of resolving the issue. We all tend to blame the world for our failures: the lack of opportunity And resources. While these things definitely impact us, we often forget that some things are within our control and that we can change.

Self Awareness

A lot of us walk around like zombies with no self-awareness. We get mad at the person who blocks the aisle at the grocery store, only to do the same thing five minutes later. We get mad at how someone drives When we do the same thing.
It's important to pay attention. To notice when you might be doing the same things you get mad at others for.
And to pay attention to how you feel about things, That inner voice telling you lies about a person's intentions, or when you get badly triggered by something. Usually, that's a sign of something underlying that you need to go deeper into so you can address it. Or any overboard reaction you have when things go wrong.
All this awareness can be difficult. But if you want to dramatically change your life and your relationships with others, starting to notice these things and take action can make a massive difference over time.

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