Do you ever feel guilty about the wrong choices you have made in your life?
As if you are the only person who made these mistakes and everyone around you is having an easier time of things than you are?
You began to feel sorry for yourself, and started thinking, "What if I have done this?, what if I have done that?"

If you had one of these thoughts, you are not alone, then.
I grew up thinking that individual choices or decisions doesn't matter out there. I thought as long as my parents think it is for the good, it is for the better, or it is for best, it is totally fine with me. I have the utmost respect for my parents. I accept every ruling they made for me. From elementary up to high school, I let them decide what's best for me.
Then, it happened before my first year in college. I'm already 17 years old that time and yet I still can't decide what course I'm going to take. I was immature and can't make decisions for myself without consulting my parents first. My father wanted me to be an engineer and so I did. I took Electronics and Communications Engineering at the Adamson University in Ermita, Manila.

My first year as an engineering student turned out really bad. I had failed many subjects, especially math subjects. My parents despite me having failed some subjects still tried to lift my spirit up. They said I should still pursue engineering and once again I obeyed them.
One year had passed and I still find it hard to love engineering (I really suck at this course). I still pushed myself to do something I'm not really good at. My parents had sacrificed many things and one way to return them the favor is to keep going. I was able to convince my parents to let me transfer to another school. I told them if they really wanted me to be an engineer, they should let me. I had many excuses to cover up why I failed and I'm not proud of them. So then I transferred to the Technological Institute of the Philippines in Quiapo, Manila.

I started to think that so far I've made the right choice. I've gained many friends. There are problems that came my way but are too insignificant to mention. By the time I was already fourth year in engineering, things started to go bad again. I got many probation because of failed subjects. It pushed me around the edge and I started thinking about my future. What will happen to me in the next few years? Why do I do things that doesn't make me happy?It made me ponder about things.
For the first time in my life, I made a choice that would play an important role in my life in the next 5-10 years. I decided I'm going to stop pretending and tell my parents what I really wanted in life. My parents were so mad at me. All I can hear from them is how bad I am. My friends even ridiculed me for not finishing engineering. I was so down but I need to make a stand and prove them wrong. I'm so inspired by this quote:

I know some of you may think it is already too late and it was foolish of me to do so. But I tell you this, you are wrong!(I'm not mad)😜 There is no such thing as too late in life. It is never to late to do things that makes you happy.By the way, I shifted to something I'm good at. My passion led me to Bachelor of Arts, major in AB English language and so far I don't have any regrets. I've never felt so much happy and alive. I'm very thankful to my parents for giving me another shot at this. I'm in my third year and still have one year to go. I know now that I'll make it. Remember that things do happen for a reason and up there, He's got a plan. All hope is not lost. Take your passion and make it your profession.
To end this, I leave you with the quote: