According to the comments made at the Consensus 2018 conference in New York, regulators of the USA continue to study cryptocurrencies and ICO, but don't seek to suppress this branch.
According to their representatives, they don't intend to interfere with innovations or "excessively to regulate" use of the cryptocurrencies constructed on technology of a blockchain, but have to "interfere in every possible way roguish" with schemes with participation of these innovations.
So, James McDonald representing the Commission on trade in commodity futures (CFTC) and the head of division of fight against cyber crime of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Robert Coen have told that their departments adhere to "open door policy" concerning those who try to start sale of tokens.
"SEC is open for discussions with people from cryptocurrency branch, for discussion of the ideas and new events in this area. The commission is ready to productive dialogue about development of new technologies and the capital encourages ways of increase. We don't seek to regulate technology – we regulate financial branch and the markets", – Coen has specified.
"Our task – to stimulate financially steady markets, and as the regulator, we understand that it demands a certain flexibility. We do it so that not to interfere with development of innovations", – McDonald has confirmed.
According to the Deputy Attorney-General Sudzhit Raman, a priority for the Ministry of Justice is safety of people.
"One of problems in digital space are large sums of money which proceed through the market, without concerning financial institutions. From the point of view of national security or the prospect of fight against money laundering, is what it is necessary to pay attention to. Cryptocurrencies have a direct bearing on it. Lack of the standard clarity connected with sales of tokens – the biggest obstacle in regulation of this branch", – he has told.
According to the director of strategic planning of the Bittrex exchange Kieran Raj, the main idea of which the cryptocurrency community would like to inform regulators is need for confidence in their approaches.
"Generally we hear about fraud. Agree, we don't want that it was present at the industry. The problem is in how to perceive rules and to apply them to the activity when it is far from what is done by swindlers?", – he has reported.
For permission of similar questions McDonald has called other departments for cooperation. What Coen has answered that SEC has issued the guide to tokens, having told:
"The main problem of participants of the market – to define whether tokens which they offer, fall under a concept of securities or not. The commission has issued the guide to this question. If the company or the natural person honestly observe laws in this area and cooperate with regulators, we will protect them, – he has emphasized. – Otherwise, we should take measures".
I think they've suppressed the crypto world pretty hard so far . Many of the icos have been labeled "securities " and the sec has forced them into being regulated like securities . If the sec and imf are claiming they don't suppress the crypto , maybe they should step out of the loop and let the new currencies flourish.
Interestingly! Probably, it was the first suppress the crypto, maybe they still can enter cryptocurrency taxation...