You have no clue where to start and it seems too hard
This is a biggest reason that makes you procrastinate. You have no clue where to start and it seems to hard. First, you must know exactly what you want to do. If you know that, then you can start writing about everything you can think all that needs to get done in order to complete it. This can be super overwhelming. Just thinking about the ginormous task ahead freezes up your brain.
You can't see results immediately
You have finally started to exercise. You're doing it for a week. In every workout you feel pain and when you look in the mirror, you are the same you don't feel much different than before. So at this point you just wanna quit. What is the point in doing something that produce results ? So what I mean is constant visible improvement is not possible every time. Whenever you don't see progress and make sure to document the process. This is curitial to keep your motivation take pictures, film videos, write a journal. This will really come in handy when you want to quit because this way you can see how far you've come.
You found out it's not for you
You started something just for fun or you didn't know exactly what you want at the time and now it doesn't align with your dreams. You start to see that it becomes a burden and you waste valuable time for no reason. If this is the case then it's ok to quit. Don't beat yourself up. You can do everything no matter how hard you try. Focus your time and energy on something you really love and move forward.
It's not challenging for you or it's too challenging
If you want to make a thing more challenging, simply stick a deadline. It's easy to solve a problem when you have all the time şn the world but if you only had two hours to solve the same problem, the time pressure make it very challenging. Another thing you can do is to invite a few friends and compate. See who can advance faster. This will make it more challenging and much more interesting in the same time. This is a good strategy for studying and working out.
Thank you so much for reading my post. Please stay tuned for more.

I've been guilty of giving up in the past; whether that be with a business idea, a fitness goal, a financial plan. A little while a go I sat down and decided to think back to when I was first motivated to pursue these goals. It made me really sad to picture where I'd be right now with that goal had I not given up.
I decided to use that sadness to drive me forward. Look at Steemit; it's difficult at first. Finding the time to post, not becoming too frustrated with being unnoticed at first, seeing others earning lots on the platform. But then I think, success stories aren't always about pure talent. There are plenty of people on here doing well and they're not the most talented writers in the world. They simply didn't give up.