How Much Is Our Time Really Worth? πŸ€”β°

in #life β€’ 6 years ago (edited)

Kai constantly re-minds me to feel what's good right now, so let's do just that!

It's all about this little man. Spending time with him and his Momma is everything to me πŸ’– Even when he is being upset, challenging us or throwing a tantrum: each moment is precious and priceless. He gets so much love and attention though that he's mostly a really kind, caring and generous little boy.

His best qualities are the same things I love about @iamjamie, I'm so appreciative for her influence πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦ He's also a lot like me with his relentless determination, hard-headed-ness and hyperactivity. Clearly he's our greatest teacher and the lessons we are learning with him and re-learning about ourselves get ever more profound and enlightening everyday.

He blesses us with baby wisdom constantly.

We all love having our daily family play time at the park! πŸ˜„

So with all that being said, I fell off my self-imposed daily posting wagon not even a week in and I didn't push the button for 2 days! What happened is no biggie, life is always happening so there's no excuses. I simply decided to hang with fam instead. Sure I enjoy reading and reconnecting with you all on Steemit and now Whaleshares, though there has to be some balance right? I also got πŸ’© from @smg admin about my absence and actions since being back, wasn't all this supposed to be fun? πŸ€”

SSo I figured heck I'll take a knee and really absorb to find appreciation for their thoughts and reflections. Most of it comes down to the fact I simply didn't take responsibility for "leading" the group and even though I thought we set up our automation way in advance (in anticipation of times of low engagement) it simply wasn't "enough" to hold things together while I was away and that's my mistake. I am sorry.

Moving forward I'm fine taking it on the chin and digging in, that's what I do after all. I've learned to enjoy the heavy lifting phase, perhaps that's even what excites me most? πŸ‹ So I'm just gonna have to pull more hours and rebuild with stronger intentions this time. Sometimes we have to shed our old skins to allow more room for growth.

Gotta keep enjoying that work-life BALANCE!! πŸ’šπŸ’―

However when comes down to being distracted with work or spending quality time with my loves, Family wins hands down! πŸ™Œ I've only been away from them a few days since Kai was born and I sleep home beside them every night. We enjoy everyday together and we can honestly say that we love it! Well until a couple months ago when I started doing rides, though I do just enough that we have our essentials covered and don't have to sell our cryptos! πŸ’Έ

Whenever you find a path that fills you with joy follow it! That's actually how most of you found me and followed me to this blog. I only made movies because in the first place I love sex and secondly it was the best time-money exchange for me at the time. Perhaps that's why I never officially re-tired πŸ˜‚ Who want's to be that? I'm feel more alive and awake than ever!

We just keep doing our best..
Where we are with what we got!

Many of us stress about money and I learned to be compassionate about this with myself and others πŸ™‡ I've accepted the results of reorganizing my finances and priorities. Even with my main income from Pornstarcamz blocked by new US regulations and my Manyvids uploads grinding to a halt. Even though my friends and family don't consider porn to be a real "J.O.B". Even though the rides I do for BEP pay more to the environment than my pocket. I've opted out of feeling regret about any of it! No one has time for a pity party during a bear market LOL! 🐻

Living in a wonderland is easy with your momma’s hand πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’ž

I genuinely care for all of the people involved in all of these ventures, on and off chain. I've never forgotten how lucky I am to be home and I don't sell myself unless I'm personally invested. I also constantly remind myself that it's just a choice we all have to make. I won't compromise my dad duties for anyone and while this doesn't help me with "business-like" consistency, it has helped me learn to deeply respect our freedom and liberty.

🎁🎁🎁Attention is Energy..
Time is our most valuable Currency.

So what is time really worth? A lot to me apparently. While I accept we can buy and sell time, it cannot be returned, reclaimed or reused. There is no buy back option for past opportunities πŸ’° We can't really relive first dates or our child's first words. Memories are our best chances to re-view life's highlights and while technology and even blockchain can help us preserve them.. πŸ“Έ

Nothing will ever be as clear, vivid and alive as this moment. Every choice we make catapults us towards the next. Let's re-mind ourselves and each other to live in and for the moment πŸ™πŸŽ There's no price worth the stress or even anger of fighting against time or any other. Value your current-cy more than your savings. We may plan for the future though we are ever here in the now.

See you again soon!

Keni πŸ˜„

SMG is a mutual support and co-curation group. Join our discord here.

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I admire you for how well you are living your life and for the joy in which you grow up your child: God bless you!

A huge hug from @amico!

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

@amico Thank you, sincerely thanks bro. I hope you realize how helpful your kind words are. When the going gets tough, the tough keep going! πŸ‘

I really admire how you've taken a knock on the chin here and are trying your best to be the best you can be regardless. I agree - family should always, always come first, and your precious family is worth working hard on and loving with all your heart. Don't be too hard on yourself, keep steeming on and being LOVE. x

@riverflows Thanks for the reality and compassion check love. May I also say the same to you, don't be too hard on yourself with your "work" commitments and remember as long as we stick in and keep at it, we're all supporting each other for the long haul. Big love to you and yours too πŸ’– #familyfirst

WHOA! SO many likes on Instagram. You influencer you ~~~~ lol

Lmaooo πŸ˜‚ #proudtobeahater the selfie-star shines bright! Bruh..

Just beautiful. Tearing up over here, Keni. You're family is truely beautiful and amazing, loving you all from a far! Time is so precious! It's so important that you know this! Many take time for granted and don't realize what you already know so well until it's too late.

@pnwmomma Aww you lovely, gorgeous, beautiful hearted woman! Thanks for sharing in this awareness and your family is so very precious too. Time and specifically "play time" with our littles is certainly a thing many people overlook and even times I do too as I stare at the screen.

Thankful we have each other and the others in the @smg community to remind us not to loose ourselves. And forgive us when we do LOL! I'm certain, when we have more examples of how this "crypto-blogging" thing can empower and free us to spend more time with our families.. well many more will be joining! πŸ‘