Yeah I guess so. Though I'm interested about the problems of the economy from your perspective, since you know all we see from the news is not always accurate right?
At least riding is one thing that would grow and also benefit people when they are living more mindfully right? So at least in one more way it can be seen as a benefit to ride.
Oh my God, economy. Totally crazy. We're living with an estimated inflation value bigger than 1000%.
Zero possibilities of having any saving, here, you are saving by buying whatever you need TODAY, because tomorrow it will have a higher cost. So, to "save" you need to buy, as quickly as you can.
If, you have money after that ( buy what you're going to need), then, the smart thing to do is buy dollars or euros ( something that is prohibited by the government) , keeping money at the bank is the biggest mistake here, because every day you will have less money. Do you get what I mean?
Ah so it is true what I saw. I do get a feel for what you mean, though I can only imagine what it is like. From the local perspective it must be quite stressful for you and a lot of people no? I hope this time can bring communities together and that you and your family have good people around you? Hopefully there can be a fresh focus on growing food sustainability and becoming self-sufficient from the state beyond this crazy financial situation?