Hi friend and welcome back :) Ken Melendez here with a message talking about how the detours in life can either make or break us. There are a lot of different detours that you can experience on your journey through life.
I'll give you an example... I was driving down the road the other day, and I saw a sign that said detour. So I took the detour and I thought you know what, this detour is taking me on a different road that I would have normally gone down.
I continued thinking about that and I applied that concept to life. I thought about how detours tend to take us on untraveled paths that we never would have thought to go on beforehand.
As I was driving down the roads that this detour took me on, suddenly I was noticing things that I never would have originally noticed such as new houses, new people, new animals, and new trees and landscapes.

I was completely taken aback by this and was amazed at how my attitude quickly changed from annoyed to in awe. Detours are not always a bad thing. In fact, they can be quite beneficial to us because they open us up to new possibilities and opportunities that we might not have recognized in the past.
Yes, it might take you a little bit longer to get to your destination, but while you are on that detour you can meet some cool people, see awesome scenery, and experience a new opportunity.
Next time you see a detour sign on the road, it can actually be a good thing and it is there for a reason. Maybe the detour in your life is there to teach you something. Perhaps it is there to make you better. Maybe that detour is preparing you for an experience that you will have later in life. Enjoy your ride on that detour and keep your mind open throughout the journey.
Did this post help inspire you? Drop a comment below! Have an amazing rest of your day my friend. Be blessed.

P.S. Join us in Toronto at the Steem Creators North Conference and SMT Summit September 5-7! Visit https://steemcreators.com to reserve your spot.
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What a wonderful
in our life ! :)'스파'시바(Спасибо스빠씨-바)~!
Hey thanks @bluengel. Glad you can see the value of detours in our lives. Cheers :)
And there's that symbol again.
I feel my whole life it is a constant detour lol i never can be in the "right" track. So... to me detours have not been the best eheeh
Some detours will define who you are or makes who you are
Wow that must have been an amazing experience
You are right and all the detours we have n life is why were all different we are all have different stories
Detours in life are experiences but many people do not understand this because they are too impatient. They then have to make up for this experience later and usually regret it.
I am leaning toward believing that the detours in our life, along with all the events in our life are a reflection of our internal thoughts, emotions, desires and beliefs.
I don't know for sure if it's true but it seems true so far @kenmelendez.
Source: 33 years of living.