Very good article on a great topic!
I truly believe we'll get to the point of "live fast and die never!!!"
I don't think we can comprehend this, because it has never happened, but in the near future we will have Regeneration, not anti-aging. This will change all the objections. Everyone will live their lives looking, feeling and thinking as if they are still in their 20s. They will pee just fine. They will change careers when they want a new challenge. They will move to another location when they want, including to the moon, mars and underwater and floating cities, made possible by the same leaps in science that will solve the rejuvenation issue.
There is this firm out on the West coast called Alphabet Inc. It is a multinational conglomerate and parent company to several businesses, one of which is the California Life Company. I think we'll be hearing a lot more from them, in the rejuvenation space. They are Extremely well funded, since one of their fellow Alphabet companies is... Google!
So I think that as aging is reversed and we all look, feel and think at our peak, our worlds will expand and we'll perpetually feel like we do when we're in our 20s and just starting out in life. We will have achieved Heaven on Earth.
Sign me up!
I've heard about those guys out west -- Sergey Brin (Google) pumps money there way... But I think some religions might have a problem with it -- and are you positive about the peeing..?!!
Thanks @kenny-crane :))