in #life7 years ago

Every obstacle introduces people to themselves. How we respond to those obstacles is important.


The greatest example of the right response to an obstacle is the giant Goliath, who confronted and intimidated the armies of Israel, including the brothers of a young shepherd named David. David's brothers chose not to do anything about the obstacle before them, but David did. What was the difference? The way each viewed the problem. the brothers looked at the obstacle and figured it was too big to hit, but David looked at the obstacle and figured it was too big to miss.

The way you look at any obstacle in your life makes all the difference. Let each new obstacle force you to go to the next level. No obstacle will ever leave you the way it found you, you will be better or you would be worse.


Keep in mind this important fact about obstacles: every obstacle has a limited life span. We worried about things last year that we can't even remember today. Don't believe the devil when he tells you that things will not change, that they will not pass.
Obstacle subdue mediocre people, but great leaders rise above them. You and I need to be like the great man who, when asked what helped him overcome the obstacles of life, responded, "the other obstacles." We should be like a kite that rises against the wind. Every problem has a soft spot; there is an answer.


Many people think most of their obstacles are money related, but the correct perspective is to know that a problem that can be solved with a checkbook is not really an obstacle; it's and expense.
Someone said that obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal. Keep your eyes on the goal and remember that you are not alone in your struggle.

In times of adversity, you don't have an obstacle, you have a choice. In the midst of unbelievable circumstances, believe. God has a promotion for you.

Keep steeming!!!

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