Week Action - Make a Small Exercise Resolution

in #life7 years ago

We normally make resolutions at the beginning of the year and never stick to them. My son and I have given up on doing Resolutions at the beginning of the year but we thought we can make a small exercise resolution.

This week do yourself and your health or body a favor and make a small exercise resolution.
When it comes to Resolutions especially ones to do with exercise we often make the goal too big, like " Go to Gym everyday", or "run a marathon". Then when we have a small slip up we feel like we have failed and we give up so easily.
Even if your goal is not too get fit still make a small resolution to do a little bit of extra movement each day. If you do it now it would be 18 times weekly and 126 times daily until the end of the year.
Here are a few easy and popular ones:.
-Always take the stairs where possible

  • Stand up at work
  • Always stretch before you go to sleep
  • Use your car less and walk more
    -At the shops park your car far from the entrance.
  • Walk on the spot when ads come on, on T.V
    We plan to walk more and at the same time take pictures for our blog.
    What Small Resolutions could you do to add some movement to your day, most days?.
    Comment below we would love to hear what you are doing as your small movement resolution.
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