8 years ago in #life by kevinwong (76)
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The last time I visited my childhood home in Chicago I discovered that my house had been torn down and turned into a parking lot, that my elementary school had been torn down and made into a park, and the grocery store where I worked when I was in high school was now selling some other kind of merchandise. It was a harsh lesson teaching me that life goes on and there's nothing you can do to return to the past, none the less the older I get I still see myself as the little village boy you mentioned. I see him when we go to the beach and he is playing in the waves, or when I'm sitting in my yard he will sometimes peek out at me from behind the trees.
That's crappy to have those places torn down! I guess things just move along. Bet another decade or two and that place will completely change. Haha.. you've quite an imagination having your younger self following you around :)
You are lucky that you can still visit these places. It happens much worse when there are memories - but there is no place anymore.
This one hits the feels..
My childhood home was destroyed in a fire when I was 15, but we occasionally drive though. It looks so different with all the woods that surrounded it being gone...torn down to make way for new tracts of homes. I also am a child of the late 80's/early 90's and my memories are locked in my mind rather than safely secured in an iPhone. But I can picture climbing up the oak tree in our back yard or zooming down the hill on my bike and leaping over the creek to get to the tiny forest behind it. Life wasn't necessarily easy, but getting to play outside meant freedom. Thank you for the reminder to unlock some of those memories for a moment, they deserve to be enjoyed. ❤️
See ya next time,
Thank you also for your continued support of my work. Your upvotes mean the world to this small fish ;) This is me in front of the house that I grew up in on Pacific, in Bolingbrook, IL - a suburb of Chicago. It has been painted, the ornamental shrubs that once blocked the basement window have long been removed, and the pool in the backyard has been torn down, but the neighborhood looks the same. I would love to own that house again someday. I have very fond memories of that space that I will probably share in a future post. Thank you for sharing your memories with us, @kevinwong. As long as we keep telling the stories, the memories never really die ;)
Wow, I just got my mind rolling today and wrote about the idea of keeping my parents and grandparents houses when they pass away and trying to keep them as "family heirlooms" in a way. I don't know how it would work but it seems such a shame to sell something with so much memory, that your family has put so much of it's time into. I guess I've always been a little wonder-struck by the families who've held onto their farm for 100 years and such. I'd love for that to happen.
I hear ya. I would love to have my grandparents' home here in Michigan. Both my grandpa and mother died in that house. I don't want anyone else owning their ghosts. I guess I just have to make enough money to own both :)
Here's to hoping you'll get to have the house again - thanks for sharing too!
It's wonderful how places stay the same. Especially when you have a connection to that place or a lot of stories to tell :) Very well written - thanks for sharing :)
I guess that's my last one, until the next! - thanks for dropping by to have a read :)
Nostalgia! It is a strange feeling. No matter how far you are from where you spent your past/childhood, you stay connected somehow. Here's a photo I took a couple years ago when I visited my hometown. I tried to do the same thing again, but couldn't haha.
Nostalgia is usually overrated.. lol. Give it another few years and you'll be taller than the gate behind! Thanks for sharing!
Touching story. Many memories faded away but my parents especially my father made many pictures and movies (we had just low tech in the 70ties and early 80ties) but that conserved many things. I had two grandmothers and with both unforgettable experiences. With one i spend time in my holidays and i remember especially a long walk into the woods with the only goal to reach a well with clear spring water. My grandmother took just a bottle of cherry sirup and a glass with her and after hours of walking we reached that small well at the end of the forest path. Small sunbeams broke through the foliage and the spring water bubbled silently out of the well. She filled the glass with water and gave a bit of sirup in it and handed it over to me. I took a gulp and the water was fresh and cold with the sweet cherry taste.. and i was happy to be here with my grandmother..
Fond memories :) Clear spring waters sound awesome - none of that here as far as I know. Thanks for sharing your story!
yes! thank you, reminded me.
Sometimes I think it helps to look at old places to see who you are now, how much you've changed. Surely, not all changes are bad. Great article ;) indeed, society plays ahuge role in shaping you as an adult, sadly.
The village always gives its own story, let alone our childhood spent in a village, and one day we city people will surely come back to the village to spend time and atmosphere fresh village air...
Sadly, there are now more bits of plastic trash scattered all around the one I was in..
oh ... why so, what is the influence of the factory or the number of residents and awareness of the cleanliness of the environment ?,
Too many factories around now!
Thinking about my childhood... I see soviet blocks of flats, melting asphalt, concrete... All of that forced us, kids of 80's is post communist country, to create our own imaginary word - colorful, joyful and adventurous.
and our childhood feels as some memory of past life,
Every day, from january to december,
We keep on moving, fighting the strife.
Yes life is such, giving moments, sweet and bitter,
Sometimes submerging us in darkness and sometimes in glitter.
Thanks for sharing with us, such a nostalgic article,
I send my blessings through this comment,
with a small poetic particle.
@kevinwong I used to remember the younger days where there's nothing much to play except sand(aka mud when it rains), catching tiny fishes in the drain or looking under every leave for spiders (fighting matches).. with the neighbours
Now, everything starts with 'I' (iphone, ipad) and there's no community interaction. Everyone walks with their eyes glued to their "I" devices, constantly looking down. Same for adults and kids..
It's a sad scene but what we can do is to start with the current generation and to educate what is important. There should still be hope afterall.. ;)
Hmm not sure if it's any different, maybe more screen-staring with the e-devices, including the kids. I mean back then, people used to stare at things as well.. like newspapers and stuff. I guess it depends, information is used well can be liberating, and i think the new gens will face their own challenges but gain new superpowers..
Maybe this world is another planet’s hell, but this is our home with memories and dreams . and here is something strange becouse wherever you been nature always take a warm place inside us. i like this your moment ''the sound of heavy droplets hitting on the metal roofing of a cosy, wooden home along with the waves of a turbulent river and tropical wind enveloping the atmosphere. '' .., water and energy for our bodys is wonderfull thoughts, cheers
That village boy became a man. I think about what I knew as a child and what I know now, and I'm like Damn! I wanna go back. Everything was soooo simple. But we cant. Shit got complicated, but we're here now. There are lessons to be learned by going back in our minds and body.
Did you know humans are the only animals that domesticated themselves? Weird, but true.
I really enjoy your posts I've read. Thanks for your insight on things.
There's a post I really love of yours where your describing the music you're listening to while driving. You said it would be fine if that's the last thing you ever heard. I was like damn, homie. That's deep. Check me out if you have time, bro.
One Love!
Sometimes the adventure memory of the village is worth keeping for ever. I for once cant trade my memory with anything. The life there is sos unique, natural and different from that in the city. Even the food in the village is more nutritious ans fresh....i Loooooovvvvve mmmmmy villlagggggggge liiiiiiiiife eeeexppppperieeence...
When you drive through an old neighbor - you are asking for nostalgia. It has been more than 20 years ago! Of course, these emotions are magical!
I am also a village boy and spent my childhood in a village more than 90km from Kuching. Your story brought back many memories. How I used to swim in the river naked with other boys, playing hide and seek, and many other types of fun games. Computers did not exist then. Thank you for sharing.
I guess we're all typically more adventurous during childhood :)
I think that I retained some of my adventurous spirit when I went on my Trans-Mongolia Adventure.
Nice read bro! I was also born in the late 80s and man... growing up in the 90s was amazing. This was before technology and screens tuned society into a numb weird creature... kids were more innocent and less demanding back then. I remember having a blast just playing with a ball made of rolled paper. And when we got a TV, it would only show Cartoons like 1 hour a day... looking back to that it seems nuts nowadays huh?
Thanks for sharing your some of your personal story with us all bro!
Well that's for us haha yeah 1 hour a day, gosh it's 24/7 now :) Kids will always be the same i guess, being sponges.
Somehow village-life is so very much the same no matter where you go on the earth. Maybe you will one day find yourself at ease in northern Norway before the whole world is changed into city-sprawl.
City-sprawls can be pretty exciting for kids too :) Just maybe some sort of disconnect with "nature, replaced by city culture.
My girls are growing up as big-city girls. I do not think it is bad just different. They are used to many people around them, they are not afraid of strangers, and their knowledge of farming is close to nothing :)
Yeah the city kids I know are super confident and intelligent (okay maybe more like talkative) lol. Get some urban farming kit ;)
We already have tomatoes, chillies and herbs on the balcony to teach them a little about things growing. Next step must be a balcony goat or some Vietnamese dwarf-pigs :)
Really heart warming. I often try to remind myself of that mindset of living in the present. Thanks for bringing back childhood memories :)
Bukit Kuda? Never been there before. I'm pretty lucky to be staying in my childhood place, but everyone around has left. My taman is like a place for retirees..
Not planning to move out?
I did for awhile but I'm back
I drove past where I grew up last night and can't stop thinking about it today. For me it's like a lucky escape. Such is life, I am sure the memories will never quite fade :0)
A wonderful tale and wonderful admission. You have good childhood memories and that is a very good way to carry on the rest of your life and make the best choices. One of those choices is being on Steemit. You can't lose. well done! JV
Always nice to read these of posts about real life and I really like the way you write. I find that the childhood memories are the most emotional ones, especially when visiting a hometown or a village that which has gone through some major changes after you've been out from there for a long time. I miss my hometown a lot, havent been there for 3,5 years now. Haven't even been in Finland, my home country after I moved to live here in Vietnam 3years ago. Do you live somewhere in Asia also? Thanks for sharing your memories @kevinwong
I live herre in the province where in my childhood days I have enjoyed working and playing on the rice fields, water irrigation systes, and by the river where we used to fish. The 80's and 9's were full of fun, hope, and dreams.
There are no more rice fields anymore and were now converted into housing subdivisions just like my hopes and dreams that were converted into a cloud and carried away by the wind because of what happened to my life.
Chilhood memory are too sweet to forget.. i'm very happy cause i still live in my village till now, see every thing going change time by time.
my village is still full of green fields ,trees, hills and waterfalls. whenever i go to india i become so excited going village because i love natural beauty and fresh air without any kind of pollution.

wherever we go do not forget our hometown
I like your post
My favorite part is when you're chasing after the grasshoppers and dragonflies.
Apparently, I experienced these memories myself.
Childhood memories, how I miss those days mate! Since I moved too, i've lost contact with all the friends I was having fun with! Playing football on the streets during rainy days, exploring nature and rivers...
But these days we never see this type of friendship among the kids, modernity and technologies have taken over, no more emotional connection like before!
I can't remember the last time I ever visited where I grew up, but I am sure there will be changes by now.
we always do remember our childhood place. as for me last year i want back to my native town, almost everything still the same like yours. we will miss all this place until our eye close....
What took you back to where you grew up?
I can't go back to my childhood. My parent's farm is now under suburbia and so too all of the forest and fields around it. :|
I was just passing by .. one of the out-of-the-way roads to get to somewhere i dont usually go to lol. I guess that's alright since we all move on anyway..
But it did get you thinking about where you've come from. It can be strange where life takes us.
I cant imagine how was happy being a village boy. We were introduced to natural things that gave us the lesson learnt and free to taste the village air. Now, the modern take over the natural beauty of village. Thank for sharing @kevinwong
I love the title of this piece... That village boy, reminds me of so much about my childhood too. Hmm... that village girl? lol. Nice one @kevinwong. change is constant we all have to live with it. Thanks for sharing.
The price of development result in many disappearing. It nice to see things remain the same sometimes. What's not nice to know is there are drivers in everywhere who is not aware their signal lights are working.
Thanks for sharing, it was nice reading something about yourself here. Where is this village located?
In south east asia :) there are a few horse hills here, for whatever reason..
Wonderfully written!
It's great to reminisce when we visit a place from our childhood or see a long lost friend.
Memories can really bring a warm smile. :)
so cute he looks just like you looked on that skype interview photo.. what a cute little guy you were..thanks for sharing your wonderful memories. :)
An interesting story of one trip @kevinwong, we all grow up and we are pleased to plunge into childhood :)
Nice photo :)
I visited my childhood place few weeks ago. Our house was torn down and a modern house is built there now. I was hurt but then nothing is permanent .....
Given the life of childhood become interesting again told as adults. Certainly a lot of funny stories while playing with friends.
Rewrite the past story complete with the memory of each location that exactly the region we play this as we repeat the old story.
Of course everything has changed, sometimes it is not unexpected that our playground was cleaned no longer slums.
This is a very interesting story, I like the post @ kevinwong this, because it reminds me when playing first friends, accept already share.[]
That must be a nostalgic feeling and special bond a connect that will live with you forever as you have grown up :)
the Village boy is now hustling with his life around now :) childhood was the best time anyone can had and looks like you had the best time of that.
@kevinwong - Nice story & that's what we called as life story Sir. After all those things we have the real happy feelings by remembering such histories of our own. Love your story Sir. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
a place that always makes people joke and laughter that is the village ...
I really like the title "Village Boy"..
same as my name Boy.
Success is always for you @kevinwong...
Going back to ones roots is always sweet. Reminiscing past memories time flies flies so fast. Thank you for sharing us your past. Cheers!
nice post..actually you made me sensitive..i also went to my childhood..memories of my childhood flashed in my head while i read this..nice post :)