
I really love your blog @kevinwong

Appreciate it man, I was wondering how did you stumble upon this old post? lol

I am a DJ, and I am a passionate music producer :)

So I know great work when I see it. You blog was really indepth

Awesome - thanks! You should write up an intro post #introduceyourself is the tag some of us look out for new accounts, quite like a ritual for newcomers. Any DJs will enjoy curating / voting on this platform. Afterall, DJing depends heavily on curation :)

Will do Kevin, thanks so much for your help. Your a gem :)

half way thru this article, i was overwhelmed by your passion for what you do, mr. dj

Same! Dj kaiserkev is obviously very multi-talented though. I have to give him props for that :)

I just happen to involve myself in plenty of stuff, never really mastering any though.. but good times.. Thanks for the compliment though :)

Even though I don't DJ much anymore.. but yea curation's the heart of it I guess.. thanks for the comment mr 3rd eye ;)

On point 😃

What's up @kevinwong!?? Spinnin' on the one's & two's!!!

Groovin' as always :) How about you?
Thanks for stoppin by!

Lol! Doin wonderful man...Congrats on the gig!!! Have fun out there:)

Really cool article, thanks for the info. I had the good fortune of hanging out with Vekked over the summer and filming a very intimate (13 people in a very small restaurant) full session... Maybe I'll even be able to post it for us all soon... Namaste :)

That's nice :) Will look forward to that! Plenty of outings going on these days, awesome :)

What do you mix on?

While I started with laptop I eventually moved to straight vinyl..

Not a great set up for a club though. CDJ's a re the way to go there.

At home: traktor s4. Vinyls are kinda hard to keep up, although that's half of what I started when I was learning. Rented some academy's vinyl setup and practice there.. certainly a better oomph too yet, but alas, pioneer cdj is the club standard :)

Looking forward to the SteemFest party night bro! Keep rocking Kevin! :D

I suspect there will be a few impromptu rounds of it lol.. looking forward as well!

Great story. I am glad you have found a path like this.

Looking forward to "The perfect format."

I have been posting lots of new original compositions and I am happy to see that people here enjoy it. It also pushes me to keep making new music.

Started following you as well.

I've been having trouble writing the "the perfect format".. still collecting samples and studying them!
Are you on Been in recent touch with some musicians here and thought there should be a better channel for frequent hangouts where we can plan things together for the community

Well there is a difference between the art of djing and just plain production right? My DJ friends tell me mainstream stuff are too easy to spin.

Great article. And I am saving that youTube video to my list.

Not about the difficulty.. it's just a preference. Turn out I'm digging other styles now which are not club-friendly (yet), so I rather just explore, and it doesn't matter if I have a gig often or not. Thanks dude ;)

Btw do you do interpretive dance?

Thank you for this :) resteemed

Thanks buddy, appreciate it!

Hot dang!! Steemfest just seems better and better!! Can't wait to hear your tunes and the odd cheesy as cheetos one in the mix won't do any harm either!! :0)

I don't even know what to play during the party night.. i'll be spending the next 30 days getting new tracks and figuring stuff out though, but it probably won't be that important, as i'll just play according to the mood of the night, which I think.. should be effortlessly awesome..

I think it will be too! I hope you put up a playlist after the fact!!!

That's nice to hear lol.. for sure will put it up :D

Get music from steemit artists!! 😎

Wow, you are so talented kevin! I wish I could come to one of your gigs one day.

Steemfest! And so many other steemers! :)

I'm so sad about the fact that I won't be able to go to the first steemfest, it's a little far for me and expensive, but I will make sure to make the next one!

I'll try to make the next one somewhere in Asia haha.. much better for cost of running a fest as well.. There'll be plenty of live microblogging efforts so I'm sure you can checkout what's going in the first one as well, as it unfolds :)

Thank you interesting information

Thank you for takin the time readin too :)

Hey mr dj put the record on.... )

We'll send you a snapchat during Steemfest.. :)

Just rub it in my face mate ))))

Now im just crying hahaha

Cool! I am a frustrated dj since highschool. Dreamt to be you someday. Rock on!😁

Anyone can be a DJ these days! Too many out there!... time to combine with other skills and stuff :) have fun

Badass work! Awesome to read about this alter ego of yours. Great writing and inspiring stuff. Wish I could be there for SteemFest!

Thanks man, took some time writin this :)
Come to Steemfest!!

but where the hell did the "let's build stuff together" and "make the world a better place" koombaya go?

Love your commitment to positive, original innovation and transformation. Respect for following your instincts and dropping out of the mainstream and exploring new music and creations. Much love and support, bless

Thanks a lot buddy - perhaps I'm just venting some frustrations I had with FB, after all I did spend quite a good amount of time building communities there, but it all turned into a wasteland lol.

indeed it did, my fb is pretty much just a promotional tool for my music and steemit now haha

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Well done Kevin, awesome. Keep up the excellent work!

upvote from a dj who's new on Steemit ;-) nice article here!

Nice post i am @djnoel :)