This is great man. The really extreme parkour scares me a bit haha, but I totally agree with the philosophy of how overcoming physical boundaries bleeds over into all areas of your life.
Do you have any thoughts on Ido Portal and the whole movement culture? There seems to be a link in the mental and bodily control aspects of the two.
Thank you for you comment. It helps me get my message out to more people and I would like to show my gratitude by sharing my thoughts on Ido Portal.
What I know about Ido Portal (Brazillian) comes from the following two video series
Ido Portal youtube channel Movement Camp promotional video (25 minutes)
Ido Portal interview on LONDON REAL (2 hours)
My Thoughts on Ido Portal
He claims that his movement program has helped people recover from injuries and some chronic injuries as well. I have heard similar things from coach Summers of the US National team who also promotes full-range of movement. I am excited about their approaches to treating injuries and recovery.
I have done weight lifting, aerobics, and sports. I find his thoughts on learning hundreds of new movements, using different muscle combinations, and approaching your workouts from a what do you feel like doing approach are fascinating. I am enjoying parkour for similar reasons because outside of the core muscle training, I can exercise doing whatever I feel like in the moment. I find having a strict approach to what you should do for the day to be one of the reasons why people use the word "work" with workout because it seems like work. However, the Ido Portal and Parkour approach gives you the freedom to do what you want.
I do feel that he has a mind and body approach and that his approach would achieve the same results as the article above.
My Criticisms of Ido Portal
Ido's training of MMA fighters shows that he has a way to go in developing his emotional awareness. He would lose any desire to be associated with non-defensive violence. Overall, I think his approach is excellent but would need to be combined with another approach to develop more emotional awareness after you finish his training.
@kevjawood I realized I did not tag you in my reply on my thoughts about Ido Portal.