kicking poisoning and killing them 😱 those guys are so rude btw i am muslim too and there should not be policy or a law which allows harming dogs like that or any animal to be honest even the animals like chicken we kill to cook has to be quick and in one swift strike
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They feel better and saver if they fight and molest in groups and are raised that way.
It is easy to kick a dog, child, elderly people and woman if you are not alone.
If my children would behave like that I would finish them.
I wish you a happy day ☘💕
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the "they" you are referring to is all muslims or just the people who call themselves isis because muslims do not see rapist, innocent murdering suicide bombers as muslims they are a plague that needs to be wiped out
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I think in this case the "they" is those who misbehave and find it normal to do so mainly in groups and act like terrorists.
I understand you do not find this normal behaviour and I know not every Muslim behaves that way. It is a group that is molesting everyone, also Muslims (although I do not understand why).
If I see how groups of young men misbehave in my country and Europe I think it is not Isis but abuse of freedom and hate speeches of certain imams in combination with?
yes people who think these kind of things are normal sickens me to the core
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have a good day as well
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