@leoplaw is an awesome artist who I admire and most of all, I enjoy looking at his work. A class act, and the real deal! I have established a really cool relationship with @gric who is Leo's buddy too. @gric has probably made the biggest impression on me as an artist so far on this steemit site. I imagine you would get along really well with him too.
Yea, if you add the @ symbol and spell the name correctly, it should give them an alert as they were mentioned. Hopefully that will bring them here to chime in. Sometimes I think it doesn't work well, while other times it does. The site is still being tested so it might be buggy too.
Leo, Peter and I have been friends for many years now. I actually own an original painting from each one of them. Look at both every day and am happy I bought them :-)
I actually came here because of one of Peter's posts on fb.
So, you are right, we get along well :-)