What is affirmative action? When the government gives you assistance based on your income.
Food stamps, medicaid, school grants, housing programs etc. How would you feel receiving all this affirmative action? What would going to the grocery store look like? What would going to the doctor look like? What would your neighborhood look like? It don't feel great, in fact employers feel as though they can pay you less because you receive assistance. Education institutions feel as though they can give a lower quality curriculum because of the money that paid your tuition.
Once you are on government assistance it is a challenge to get a leg up. Why is the government providing so much assistance? They are doing this to keep wages low so we can surrender our power over to them. They keep our life so busy we don't even have the time research what laws are being passed.
Abolish affirmative action. Put money in peoples pockets. Give them a choice to buy/do what they want.