I visited Utah for nine days in early April 2019 . What an amazing place
with so much to explore . I will go there again , stay longer , and
hopefully drive my own off-road capable Jeep Wrangler instead of an
expensive 2WD rental "SUV" .
The snow pack depth at 9000 ft elevation on UT 12 through the Dixie
National Forest adjacent to Boulder Mountain was amazing .
Backcountry skiing , both downhill and XC , is at the top of my activity list .
This picture , deadly serious but tongue-in-check amusing , is on a kiosk
at the Grand Staircase Escalante Visitor Center in Cannonville .
We stopped to check the backcountry roads condition report before
traveling to the trailhead for a slot canyon on BLM land near there .
This picture is from the outdoor dining area at the Slackers restaurant
in Torrey , near the intersection of UT 24 and UT 12 . When I am traveling ,
I look for food that is cheap and filling , not fancy . I liked Slackers .
I would eat there again .