I am Inspired to heal a bit today through artful expression:
The more aware I become, it is easy to see
Just how much my dysfunction hinders me.
No mountain too high that I could climb
If I get rid of this dysfunction of mine.
Where did it come from? Do I really need to know?
Bits and pieces added together that created this cluster fuck show.
Look how it manifests itself, instead of me just being me
I KNOW the things I will accomplish, when I set myself free.
The choice is mine, it has always been so
I will be ready, when I choose to stop feeling so low.
The line has been drawn between the dark and light
Time to step over. Time to resume the Fight!

Indeed you are working through some old stuff--forging new pathways that will serve your for a lifetime! So glad to hear this and read your expressive poem. Go go go @kimberleighfl.
Yes, thank you :-) I feel a little more creative each and every day, something that was very suppressed since I was a teenager.
Uncovering some of your super powers--oh so many layers coming off and being re-channeled into beneficial and productiveness. Turning into wonder woman!!!
YES! But I have thought of myself as more of a She-ra ;-)

Look!!! It's Kimberly!
Blonde me lol Scary
Hahahaha-and this is your man on the way!?!
Thank you :-)
Nice one! You have a real knack for the rhymes girl!
Perhaps we could collaborate on some kids theme rhymes?
And/or some more dysfunction disjunction rhymes, lol :-D
I actually started rhyming when I started making up funny songs for the kids when they were little. Patricks's is "I love you, yes I do. You're my little Patrick II. And I want to give you kisses all over the place, because I love your baby Face." lol
So yes, let's make some fun stuff up for them!
Thanks Frankie! Much Love :-)
Muchisimo ππππ!!!
And, it's Frankey now, "Frankie" was in high-school and didn't love to climb trees xD
I think we all have some sort of dysfunction that we need to heal within ourselves in order to be the best possible version of ourselves and to become who we were always meant to be. This post resonated with me for its raw and vulnerable attitude. Best of luck to you on your journey and thanks for sharing.- Ivy
Thank you Ivy! I'm so glad you had that resonance when reading my poem :-) Many people don't get it at all and would much rather just blame other people for their problems...
Very deep and meaningful post, I hope you continue the good fight! Looking forward to more of your content I am going to follow,upvote and resteem!
Thank you @brandoni30! I appreciate the nice words and support and I hope it helps someone else someday :-)
Don't give up. Happiness comes from health. But you can't achieve good health unless you believe you can and learn to become grateful no matter our plight. I wish you luck on your journey, just know anything your mind can conceive, you can believe then achieve! The power of the mind begins with positivity and embracing the challenge :)
This is great video about mindset. Hope it helps :)
Thank you! You totally got where I was coming from. Mindset is everything :-)
Wonderful poetry! It flows so smoothly in my head!
Thank you @lovecycle48! Inspiration hits once in awhile lol