Spring? I'm not ready!

in #life7 years ago

So many times it seems just yesterday that the New Years parties wrapped up. Then, suddenly, it's the middle of March and the snow is melting and the crocus and periwinkle are poking through the soil and daffodils are blooming.



Gardens start to be dug in southern parts and in the north the snow is melting rapidly, soaking the once frozen ground in preparation for the coming breaking.

But I'm not ready!

My seeds aren't ordered, my chick houses not set up and my tools still need work!


Marsh Marigolds brighten up the boggy areas around here, lending some beauty to what many consider some of the most undesireable of areas. Their golden cups nearly glow in the early morning dews and hint of the bright sunshine to come in the next few months.

But I'm not ready for the swamps to thaw! I still have fences to mend, hives to set up and tractors to fix!

Even the violets and dandelions have shown up! They turn their faces upwards and introduces the clouds to the deep blue of the sky, bringing the sun in all its splendor!

And yet, I find myself hustling inside, unable to enjoy it too much. Because I'm not ready! The wagon lost a wheel, the truck needs an overhaul and the porch repainted!



I think for a moment. "Why should miss all this? Nature put all of this here for me to see and marvel at? Should I waste my opportunity to be at exactly the right time and place to witness this incredible wonder?"

No. I can't. Let the busy world pass by for a few hours. I need to just sit in nature and relax. Why would I want to miss all this just because my to-do list is full and getting fuller?

No, all those things can wait.

I'll just sit here, savor my hot cup of tea and gaze out at all the beauty of this world that I happen to find myself in. Here in my little corner of nature's painting.


Because these moments are fleeting and I want to take some time to see them as much as I can!