A good day; The Magic of a Smile...
Today my little Thiago looks with great energy and with a smile that illuminates the entire room.
Every day is different and more and more.
I thought of the passage, of the years, of things, of things, of things, of life, of the past, but not of truth.
That at 90 years old he still did not have all the answers of what life meant and that having his children began that adventure of knowledge and learning.
The same thing is happening to me, every day I learn new things about my son and my heart fills with happiness when I see that he makes a new gesture or tries to say a word.
When we wake up in the morning, the first thing he says is mom or dad, with a smile and the energy of a rising star.
It is magnificent and unique, it feels and thanks God to have a side of my life, My Son.