university music (film) competition. Photo Speaks

in #life6 years ago


This is me way back at 2014 in university of Lagos (uni lag,). i came here together with my fellow choristers from futa (federal university of technology akure) ST ALBERT CHURCH to compete with the following universities of Nigeria : uniben, unilag (host), Uniport, Ui, Unn, Delsu, Absu. etc...... at the long run of the program UNI LAG Seems to get to the top most position followed by uniben then Delsu


/DQmQ7EtSjpX5WzfVzZ5APFRsHPiJFZW1MZ8KNa5MjPvzuZj/IMG_20131014_143016.jpg) ![IMG_20131014_143016.jpg](

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