Don’t be ashamed of your hustle!! Focus on what feeds you and pays your bills because No one will give you anything for free - Dr Mike Adenuga
My Perspective
"An Idea Mind Is a Devil's workshop" a popular saying that rekindle in our minds especially in a phase of life when you don't have means of livelihood. Somehow,people will say this to you just to push you to get something doing when you are unemployed. It might sound mockery or motivational depending on the individual this is said to. Earlier today, I logged in my tweeter account and I stumbled on the above tweet by one of Nigeria's foremost entrepreneur (Dr Mike Adenuga) a major stakeholder in telecommunications,banking industry etc cutcrossing the length and breadth of West Africa and beyond
To be sincere what really captured my interest on this tweet is the word HUSTLE . Everyone can not be employed but on a normal circumstances, someone should be able to create a job for his/her self irrespective of the nature of the hustle (job/business) which should be legit and affordable. I understand jobs are not easy to come by especially in Nigeria,so most young Nigerian just prefer to tell you I am a hustler whenever you ask then "what do you do for a living" They are not ashamed to say this because they must survive.
Sometime back, a familiar young man walked up to me after Sunday's church service he told me he does cleaning jobs,"call me for cleaning of your house and it environment" and he gave me his complimentary card.As a matter of fact this is his hustle. I have seen Engineering graduate who now bakes cake,I have seen another person who supposed to be in an industry or field practicing his engineering job now selling packed Morning/lunch meals all these are hustle . They are not ashame of telling you this what they do for a living.
There is no free money... If a friend gives you $1 today , it is not a guarantee that friend we give you same $1 tomorrow , you got to hustle to get money. Stop looking at your phone contacts searching for who will potentially give you money when you call.
Manna would not fall from heaven any longer. Use those thousands followers on social media platforms to create your hustle all it takes is just look for a niche or provide a service that will solve a problem in your environment then money will come.Remember there are bills to pay, Just be focus on your hustling it will get better some day. I am also a hustler...😃😃
Thanks for reading
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