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RE: Rollercoaster ride of parenthood

in #life7 years ago

What if they don't succeed, in the eyes or parents or society? What if they suceed in their way but it means they cannot care for aging parents? What if they battle mental illness, addiction, a disabling accident or chronic disease? What if they take a vow of poverty, choose ahard life of service as it calls to them, marry or don't marry to expectation, move away and all other outcomes.... wouldn't it still be worth it?

Expectations are heavy and children will grow to develop their own and feel the weight of society's expectations? We can choose to add to the burden of expectations put on the shoulders of our youngsters or we can help them carry the weight, to cast it off, to come to terms with it and mostly to overcome every expectation that's in their way on their journey to becoming the people they feel they are ment to be, regardless of our desires or expectations for them.