Today has been absolutely exhausting.
- had a HUGE fight with flatmate
- 1 day before vacation colleague breaks my code
- went to a Meetup and just feel some hate from some people, just because I said I was against censorship
It's amazing people start to treat you like a complete outsider once they realize you don't share the group opinion.
I've also been reading about Sigil magick. The idea is to create a symbol and consciously concentrate your intent on it.
I believe it works but more for psychological reasons than magical ones.
I made a Sigil to protect my stuff from my roommate.
I felt like he was really pushing me and trying to manipulate me. So I said a bunch of horrible stuff based on some unpleasant aspects of his own life. To some extent I feel bad ... But overall I just want to move out.
I'm completely unhappy with my home life. I really would like my own space.
I'd almost say I'm exhausted with Montreal itself. Like I said I'm complete outsider here. Then again I've always been an outsider everywhere I go.
I've never heard of sigil magick. I'm gonna do some research on it. Seems interesting.
The user @styxhexenhammer has interesting content on the subject.
Sounds like a very rough day. I can commiserate with you about bad meetups. I tried to start one up for local devs who wanted to do some pair programming, but they weren't really interested in working. They just wanted to talk about what a bad language JavaScript is. I started the group but it was taken over very quickly by someone more experienced, and I felt like I was organizing meetings just so he could broadcast from his soapbox. I ended up shutting the whole thing down after a few weeks, and you know what? It felt amazing. I've had better luck building my network one person at a time. Hope your day today is better and that you will have some luck finding your tribe.
That sounds horrible! The worst part is I find a lot of the same people go between all the different meet-ups.
One girl started talking to me and was assuming I know all these people who are popular among their meet-up clique. Before she even started talking to me I heard one guy give her my bio and background. It was like he was sending her after me to recruit me.