Meditation for beginners

in #life7 years ago


When I first heard of meditation like many I though that was something that old wise kung fun instructors did while balanced on one foot holding two buckets of water. And while that may be a form of meditation of some sort ( possibly Kundalini or Qi Gong) meditation is for the everyday and hard working individual. I promise you will notice a noticeably improvement in your life with meditation. The hardest part of meditation is DOING IT. I challenge everyone to take 5 minutes out your busy and hectic lifestyle to meditate. At first it may seem silly sitting and closing your eyes trying to concentrate. Your mind will race with thoughts of " this is a waste of time and I don't have the time for this" but just sit , relax and complete the meditation process. Meditation can be done at any time of day but for beginners I recommend the morning time soon as you wake up before your world bogs you down with situations and stress! Here is an easy to follow beginners guide to meditation.


  • Wake up drink a glass of water!

One of the best things you can do after sleep is drink water. Water flushes out your toxins, hydrates you and fires up metabolism. Also naturally, you don't drink water while you sleep because well you're a sleep.


Wild Animals often have to adapt to their habitat to give them a chance at survival over thousands of years traits that benefited them were kept and ones that didnt were done away with. If you watch a dog or a cat wake up from a nap the first thing they do is STRETCH. Stretching reduces muscle tension, increases range of movement and blood flow to various parts of the body.

-Set your phone timer for 5 minutes.

  • Relax and think about what you need to accomplish for the day then prioritize the most important thing on that list and visualize how you will complete that task. Visualize yourself completing the most important task of the day rather is going to the post office to ship 70 online orders or going to rehab to complete 7 arm raises just visualize your self doing and completing the task. Think of what problems can occur then think of solutions to the problems

  • When the timer goes off reap the rewards of meditation which includes reduced stress, improved concentration, and reduced aging just to name a few.


Meditation is EVERYTHING! I use an app called Insight Timer that has lots of guided meditations with different teachers and a timer. It's my go-to app for meditation @kjoaquiartist, check it out. Great post!

I'll definitely be checking out that app and I agree @creativewendy meditation has sooo many health benefits and I truly think the world would have less violence the there were "meditation moments" in the workplace much like lunch breaks

@kjoaquinartist you are so right. Let's manifest that!