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RE: ADSactly Personal - Tell Me Your Scar Stories (And I'll Share Mine)

in #life7 years ago

Hello, great blog by the way, I have had many scaring stories but I would be glade to share one that I think you guys would enjoy. I hope no one judeges me, but i have death follow me my whole life. I will be sharing my story about one out of the two cousins i had die with in 10 min being with them, so here it goes. I live in a town that attracts many terrorist that vistit the smoky mountains in East Tennessee. Mybcousin and his family owned and operated a concreat staute facility, where the sold figurens. This cousin and I were very close, btotherly like. It seems people that get casted to the side by there family and ceciaty seem to attract to each other, but i truly loved him. He and I are the same age and at this time we were 35.
He was married for the second tine and things seemed to be doing well, we both had problems with drugs and alchooal, I had orderd a pizza. for pic up and my girlfriend and I were on our way back home to enjoy a movie and pizza. On the way back up the drive towards my house, there he was in the middle of the road slomped over. He just lived with his sister right below me. So as I aprothed him and stood him up, it seemed that he had been beat up, I noticed the throw up on his shirt, but I didnt smell any alcahool. I could not understand what had happened to him. After washing his face off and a new shirt, I finally found out him and his soon to be wife were in an argument. I drove him around for two hours trying to keep him from going unconscious. Now please understand I have seen him in this state many times. This has haunted me from that very day that i didnt take him to the hospital.
But after speaking with his parents they tried to send him but he fought every EMS personel. Now withar said and me feeding him, he requested to sleep in the shope where he worked. I know that i shouldnt lay him down, so I sat him up wright in his set. The next morning my mother busted inside my house say that my cousin had died. This was the 2nd cousin I lost in one month do to drugs and alcohol. Guys please dont let this happen to you.
This is a small part of my testamony to coming back to Jesus. There is so many things I could have done, but Father God has shown me how close death was, it was knocking on my door. The EMS said he died with in 5min of being set down, so Im trying to do work for Christ while im here, come follow me, I will be sharing some ore crazy things God has shown me, I hope this helps someone I love you guys. And thanks for the up vote.
Jan 5 2018
A. Parton