The fact that men and women are different is not debatable. They differ biologically, physically, psychologically. They differ in the way they think, behave, or even in the way they talk. According to some thinkers, men and women have different goals in conversation. Men intend to exert control, maintain their independence, and enhance their status. On the other hand, women want to establish and maintain relationships. Men engage in conversational dominance, women in conversational maintenance. !
To support, here are some typical differences in male and female. First is women are more likely to talk to other women when they have a problem or need to make a decision. Men keep their problems to themselves and don't see the point in sharing personal issues. Second is women are more relationship oriented, and look for commonalities and ways to connect with other women. Men tend to relate to other men on a one-up, one-down basis. “Status and dominance” Third is women focus on building rapport, by sharing experiences and asking questions. Men like to tell and give information rather than ask questions. They share experiences as a way of being one-up.
There are also gender differences in nonverbal behavior. Men tend to signal dominance through freer staring, pointing, and walking slightly ahead of women they are with. Women are more likely to avert or lower their eyes and move out of a man's way when they are passing him. To end with, I would say that the differences between men and women in what language and communication are concerned -are mostly the result of socialization and I believe that biology has little to do with our abilities or gender roles in our society. But most of all, one thing that we should bear in our mind, though males and females differ in their communication skills and behaviors, this does not mean that one sex is superior or inferior to another. I think that both styles of communication are equally valid and the goal in gender communication is not to change the other's communication style but to adapt it.