Kkomaz Fitness: Day 0 : Calm before the storm

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Starting Monday I plan on doing some form or variation of the 

12-Week Hardcode Daily Trainer Workout /w Kris Gethin!

I've done this workout before but always found myself quitting after a couple of weeks because of the sheer commitment required and lack of accountability.  I'm going to try my best to document as much as I can on my journey.  I plan on mixing things up here and there and not follow exactly to the T dependent on other commitment (switch around rest days, do sports instead, etc)

I was really itching to workout and couldn't wait till Monday so I took it pretty light and just did a 5x5 workout consisting of 

5x5 Squats (135lbs)

5x5 Sumo Deadlift (135lbs)

5x5 Bench Press (135lbs)

This was also the first time I ever started documenting and recording myself working out so I am a shy in this category.  Definitely need to improve my editing skills but did a little collage!  Hope you enjoy.  Can't wait till Monday to start!