Setting Record Straight Regarding the Psyber-X Stuff.

in #life2 days ago (edited)


It's come to my attention from a number of different sources that within certain discord circles my previous contract employer "Royal Reptile Studious" / psyber-X seems to be telling people I'd been paid in full along with a bunch of other for lack of a better term horse shit. For the initial contract they had me do, I was paid in full, that pertaining to their psyber-X HE/EVM bridge. However the work done after that on an ever expanding scope was only roughly half paid, with development funding seeming to run out short of the completion of the psyber-decks additional card game, with the HE NFT API being basically done and a proof of concept UE5 plugin to interface Hive-Engine assets also completed.

After writing well over a million lines of code for their NFT API, card game and Unreal Engine to HE Asset plugin and completely losing track of my hours all and all I'd received $23,396.216 USD worth of payment for those additional software apps (amount above is not considering the completely paid first contract invoice) with the total outstanding unpaid hours equaling about the same.

Within the past month I'd received a small token payment from psyber-X but have not opened up communication channels again.


Needless to say I'd neglected to hold my cards close enough to my chest and ended up giving what codebase I had done at a point previous to everything imploding over to the Psyber-x folks.


It's my understanding they roped in a new developer to take over, lord knows if they'll pay that poor bastard or not either. End of the day I will end up taking the code I wrote for them and using it in another project. Honestly hope something comes of the psyber-x effort, put too many hours into that shit to have it do nothing, but alas I'm half a dunce for letting it get to such outstanding amounts before realizing I'd vastly over estimated the will and budget to get hours paid down.

Asset Flipping from Management

I'd worked with the psyber-X team well over a year at the point it was made apparent to me (thanks to the sleuthing of folks here on HIVE) that some of the images that had been featured on the psyber-x website, their steam alpha game and in the psyber-decks game I was working on were infact 1/1 copies of UE asset store things.. Now that alone I have no problem with, re-using assets in the development industry is common practice, but what I do have an issue with is when it's quite possible the lowest level of permissions was purchased and assets were then still used technically without authorization. I suspect that may have been the case with some of the psyber-x assets.

Moving Forward

Right now I've had to take up work coding in a slightly different field to try and get back on my feet. But as time and money permits I will be refocusing back on my outstanding HIVE projects and getting them done. Hopefully this is sooner than later as I have shit way the fuck overdue.

( Any earnings from this post are set to be paid out in HIVE Power )


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lol ffs.

Yep, I'm a dunce.

Hey Klye, is still going to happen? Totally forgot about it…

Yep! That was one of the main projects I was touching on here. :)

The current test cycle takes a week to test powerdowns and a whole fucking MONTH to change the recovery account. The code is about 90% there if I strip out the futures for V1.0.0.

If I get some free time this weekend from this medical coding shit I'll start another test cycle.

Probably going to have to restrict access to the site on launch to those who are witness voting me out of necessity as my witness server isn't even paying for itself at the moment but other than that she is still a go.

Ok, hope all goes well! Keep me posted with any positive updates..take it easy and have a good weekend.

You as well captain!

What ever happened to the bolt up plates for AR's?

For the record I've no idea of those lowers will blow apart or not.. I also assume you're gonna do legal things with it / register it like a good citizen. :)

Always good to know useful things is all.

I knew that witness vote would pay off someday..

Much appreciated captain!

Yep! That was one of the main projects I was touching on here. :)

Hey!... and what about your H.A.T.E.D community?

¿Are we gonna start getting juicy and big succulent upvotes from posting there or not?

Man, I honestly am still a ludite when it comes to all these new communities and shit.

With the way things are going up here in Canada and the world we need H.A.T.E.D more than ever. I have an interesting idea for it but that is a ways out.. HIVE already has inbuilt secured messaging, I think if we did a few more security measures the chain could be used for incredibly difficult to crack communications.

That would be awesome.

Shocking! Who could have ever seen this coming?