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RE: Thinking About Rabbits On Your Homestead.

in #life6 years ago

We had Californians for several years and just recently got a few New Zealand rabbits. It sounds like your feed is much more expensive than ours. We just get the generic feed and is cost around $14 dollars. I think we checked several years ago and found that it took about one 50# bag of feed to get a baby rabbit at weaning to 12 week butcher weight. We haven't seen if there is a difference between the Californians and New Zealands though, but it sounds like something we should check into.


The rabbits we got would only eat one certain food so we had to get that food for them. I do not think that New Zealand's put on as much weight as the Californians do. It was surprising to me that they ate as much as they did. Raising them and keeping them in a non-dig out enclosure would have been to hard and expensive to maintain here as we have soft sand here.