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RE: Urban life vs Rural life

in #life3 months ago

I wouldn't mind to live in rural area, as long as there is no issues with internet connection :-D and no difficulties in shopping for particular grocery stuffs.
However since my husband is no longer that young and our daughter is so small, I think living in rural area is not a good idea, because it will be too far from good medical facilities. There's no helicopter ambulance here in Asia so it will be useless even if you have millions of dollars if there's a life threathening emergency and you're out of no where LOL. You will die first before you got proper help.It depends @tangmo.


It's a good reason for your family..... And that's also the main reason why my mom stays in the city now as it's close to the hospital. (my mom is very old now, at the age of 92 years old.)

Many thanks for stopping by. I agree with your decision. ;)