I am kokogyi by steemit account user name from Myanmar.As my iob, Iam at Ministery of Education, Department of Basic Education and my post is Junior (J.A.T) at Basic Education Middle School(branch), Pyinwann, Myebon Township now. I have been reaching that position the last 2 year or 6.2.2015 ago.
The first, I am posted of primary assiment teacher at Basic Education Primary School, Taunggyirinn, Ann Township by the Department of Basic Education the last 3.2.2014 and at 6.10.2015, posted of Junior at Basic Education Middle School(branch), Pyinwann, Myebon Township.
I think for own over business but did not result and then, such as my interesting knowledge, I descovered Information Techonology for different websites of making money on online network.
But I am more interest business than business of our enviroment. So, finally, I am guided and pointed to steemit social platform by a IT skiller.
I like steemit social platform. I thank him who guide to me about steemit platform. So I got own steemit account by a member on steemit platform.
But, help me for starting on steemit by own account. I am unseen to start anywhere click to which about.
Thank to my all friends.
Congradulation to my all friends on steemit platform. Now, I have been getting account on steemit as a member on steemit platform social media.![Screenshot_2017-07-21-08-51-03.pn(https://steemitimages.com/DQmQBZXtd
My job at teaching the children or pupils is my hobby and fine. The teacher is learner of living again. So I like and interest at studying and learning on Education, Lecture, and knowledge. They are feeling and sweet of my heart. But they are not business.![1500786937266661919634.jpg](
Welcome to Steemit Community@kokogyi. Hopefully comfortable and well received in this community. Always accept constructive suggestions and criticisms. Hope to continue sharing with all of Steemian around the world. Good luck.