A memorable Father's Day!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Late night, Steemit…but I feel compelled to write a second post. Father’s Day has been so good this year, and I wanted to put that out in to the universe. Lately, I’ve been saying it a lot that last year, we in the Kommienezuspadt household were deprived of family time. I was traveling a lot, undertaking massive projects like Dark Pinup, and fulfilling shoots and commitments coast to coast. It sounds glamorous I’m sure, but much of that time I was just longing to be home in Minnesota, spending time with @guthrie and @vermillionfox.

Today was as close to those things I’ve been hoping for and I couldn’t be happier about it. Over the last few months, the three of us have been making “family time” a priority. @guthrie will even ask for that by name. “Dad, can we have family time tonight?”. The nice thing about that is it’s a commitment for all of us to do something together. We recently watched Mars Attacks, Gremlins, and Thor: Ragnarok. We’ve gone to the movies to see Avengers Infinity War […next Friday we’re all going to see Jurassic World - Fallen Kingdom], we’ve sold artwork together at the @caffetto Craft Fair and we recently went swimming at Lake Harriet.

This morning, I was literally woken up by @guthrie shaking me and saying “Happy Father’s Day, dad!”. It was such a great feeling. He’s been with me since 2012 and each day, I’m grateful I’ve been able to watch him grow up, but especially on this day. Once I was up, I made him and @vermillionfox pancakes. We watched cartoons. He showed me his new favorite iPad games and we laughed while I lit him up with missile attacks […something that is both a daily and nightly routine where I use my finger as missiles in to his chest and he does his best to deflect them].

He was invited over to his brothers’ in the afternoon, which meant @vermillionfox and I could find time to work on Steemit posts, edit and play Magic: The Gathering. She came downstairs in what she referred to as her “…Father’s Day outfit”, which stunned me as I took a moment to photograph and document how very lucky I am. On our way out the door, she casually said “Oh! I forgot to grab a box in my trunk. Can you get it?”. When I opened it, there it was, starring back at me. The new Magic: The Gathering Commander Anthology set! Something I’ve been eyeing for weeks.

I am notoriously hard to shop or gift for because I don’t often want physical things, and when I do, I buy them for myself. She absolutely got one over on me. I was genuinely surprised and touched. We met @tarotbyfergus and @treigh-c at @caffetto, played a few games of MTG then came home. She prepared and unbelievable authentic Asian dinner with homemade fried rice, teriyaki beef and breaded chicken wings. I would have take photos had I not devoured it before that thought occurred to me. It was perfect.

I picked @guthrie up from his brothers’. We ran an errand or two at the co-op. I made him dinner and spent time with him. He drug out bedtime […as he always does]. One of the last things he said to me before falling asleep was “…you’re the best dad ever”. Those little moments are what life is about. To love someone and to be loved. Tonight, I’m thankful for my son and for @vermillionfox, who made this such a memorable Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to the dad’s out there. Good night!


This is the gift what i told you about feel free to check out the post for more infohttps://steemit.com/drawing/@soufianechakrouf/a-portrait-for-kommienezuspadt

Happy family time guys!
Lucky man - Happy Father's Day

WOW! happy father's day!

So sweet. Happy Father's Day

Ah, what a sweet boy! Those moments are the absolute best. Heart melted. Happy belated Father's Day!

You watched Gremlins and it wasn't Christmas!! woah!

I like to read a lot this friend publication, that you show us something more, of your inner world, I believe that one of the most important things in this life is spending time with the beings that one loves, although sometimes many parents do not , I am glad that you have such a beautiful family with which to share tastes and beautiful moments, you are a great father

It's nice to spend time with the family as they are the priority! I'm glad to see you so happy with them and especially with the gift you gave, I hope you liked thank you for sharing with us

You have had a great day! she really knows what you like! other things would not be as great as that.

You have worked hard for so long and you deserve time to enjoy as a family, to be surrounded by the people you love, spending good moments together filling your soul with happiness! That is priceless!
see our children grow is such a wonderful thing, time goes by quickly and one remembers when they were just a baby and were in our arms, they are getting bigger.
When you least expect it, Guthrie will be a great man and all those little mometos together, will be good memories !!.
He will grow but he will always be your little one! Congratulations for your new gift @kommienesuzpadt!

My heart just melted a whole lot!
What a lovely surprise and what a lovelier everything to have the love of family!

That photo of you hugging your son is the sweetest thing I have ever seen on steemit, hands down.