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RE: Unhappiness is not a mental illness

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Please explain what oppression brownie points are, because it sounds quite weird. I had to google brownie points, I admit. I´m not a native speaker.
But how does this term combine with oppression?
It seems to suggest that a lot of individuals or groups are not really oppressed, they just think that they are.
So who is going to be the judge of that? You?
In sweden where I live, there is such a group with victim mentality: white middle aged men, making complaints about sexism. So that is one thing that justifies your remark.
However, if you are a part of a group that suffers from structural oppression,like women or people of colour, you have a right to complain. It´s even important that you do.
Anyway, I agree with your main points.
The problem as I see it is that the institution of psychiatry and psychology have these functions, among other things, to diagnose people, and this they will find ways to do.
They have confirmation biases, just like police officers.
And they influnece public opinion ,they are the experts after all.
And we are living in a confused time, where everybody is screaming for easy answers, and none are to be found.


Yes, a lot op people thing that claiming oppression gives some sort of moral high-ground. And a lot of people who are nowhere near oppressed claim they are .

Case in point your claim of western women. Women do not suffer from structural oppression in Sweden, or anywhere in the Western World. Women are not even an uniform group. There are women and women and all sorts of circumstances.

I sincerely doubt a majority of white middle aged men in Sweden claim to be oppressed. So i think that statement is full of shit.

"I sincerely doubt a majority of white middle aged men in Sweden claim to be oppressed. So i think that statement is full of shit."
That is not what I said at all.
To claim that women does not suffer from structural oppression is just completely ignoring all research.

And proof of what I said, reported discrimination to authorities in sweden.

And I don´t like rude people, and rude people who insult me based on what they think I said is even worse.
You are hereby unfollowed. No more upvotes from me.

I agree this is a confused time, where everybody is screaming for easy answers, and there are none. I detect that built in belief structures cripple our aims for the higher good unless the higher good is reflected throughout the enterprise, and until all parties are standing on equal ground ( which is impossible with a monolithic corporate ogre tipping the scales 99% of the time), so it would be most effective toward the common goal to not use further destabilizing methods... I don't know I hear a lot but at the end I'm my own worst enemy. Thank you for letting me butt in, I wanted to advocate for non violent methods. I don't know where to start.