No roads, everything leads to our desires

in #life7 years ago


We are afraid of which path to take because choosing a direction, we are betting a lot, and we do not know if we will get what we expect in return - this inevitably influences our actions in the present, and that is exactly the problem here.

We tend to believe that there are strictly defined ways for everyone to achieve "success in life," but we would not believe that the world is actually on our side, and it helps us all to fulfill our desires. That's what we are today, we denounce miracles, superior powers, and positive thinking, but we believe in the strength of a German business administration diploma, which will surely provide us with happiness.

This is why we prefer to invest less in our dreams than in a paved road leading to their possible achievement. We begin to reject everything that does not fit into our notion of winning success, and soon we are left with a glance so narrow and limited that the universe sounds like a concept of science fiction.

It is not about esotericism, but about perceiving the beliefs of society as a personal way of seeing your life without questioning them and listening to the advice of people who have not achieved much to be good counselors.

So we risk the more, turning our opinion into pure truth than trusting ourselves and following our intuition - but no, these concepts are only for the Goths. Well, apparently all current and past winners of progress, are actually some ordinary windmills.

One can take all sorts of ways and they will again bring it to what he wants. Because there are no roads, no climb or descent. The world is designed to lead us to our true nature, to our gifts and talents because we can simultaneously contribute to ourselves and others. No one is against us except us and life is not heavy and unfair - it is the one that best suits us for our own worthiness.

We create reality by ourselves, with what we choose to see, so the notion of others does not need to be ours. Let others live as they please, and we can create our own personal rules - not limiting and putting us into a mold, but ones that will fit our own truth, talents, and dreams!

They say that when you say a lie a hundred times, it becomes true. Think about whether your idea of ​​the world has begun as a lie that you keep repeating more than a hundred times.

Much love - Krisii

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This is nice!

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