3 quick questions - part 2

in #life3 years ago (edited)

Today we are going to answer another 3 questions. Let us dive in!

1. Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

Even though it seems like nature can be all chaotic with little to no order at all – it is structured in a specific way. There is an inherent order that further creates chaos in it. It is like a playground where we have borders around it, the tricky part is that these borders are some laws that can be overcome when you become better at the game. So yes, there are no coincidences and there is an order to nature, but it is so hard to actually see it because we are living in it. We are not perceiving it from the outside, we are inside the playground, and also, no, there are no strict rules, just current rules which make sure the universe won’t collapse.


2. Have we become less happy in this age of technology?

Yes, and no, we have indeed become less happy, but we cannot blame purely our technology. Like any other thing, technology is a tool that can be used both for good and bad. Our current society has used it for psychological purposes involving dumbing down a whole population and spreading massively ideas that are destroying one’s self. Technology has been used mainly to make people get addicted to it, rather than freeing people from their physical or mental chains. If we use our tools for further development of our population, for making us freer of our own struggles we can make something beautiful with it. So the problem is not in the technology itself it is in how we use it.

3. Is the most important purpose in life to find happiness?

Psychologically we always seek pleasure. Our own subconsciousness is driving us towards what will make us happy. There is nothing bad in that, pleasure is not bad if we tend to use it as fuel and not let it use us. Finding happiness is the most important purpose to our subconscious mind, but we can reprogram that behavior. Usually, if we leave it to be the most important thing we have a higher chance of getting addicted to short-term pleasure which in the long run will ruin our life. That being said, if we try to make even pain somewhat pleasurable and seek potential long-turn happiness we can make good use of our pleasure instinct. Happiness shouldn’t be the most important thing, it is important, but without pain, there cannot be any happiness. Also, you do not find happiness, you create it.