Finding Your Own Way To Success

in #life8 years ago

It seems to me that too many people think the key to success is being just like some successful person.

How many times have you seen people, especially young people, try to dress, act and even talk like some movie star or singing star? What they don’t seem to realize is, in most cases, that person’s uniqueness - their different ways, are what set them apart from the crowd and gave them their fame in the first place.

Copying their style is just that - a copy and nothing more - no longer unique or different. Developing your own flair, your individual ways that are comfortable to you, are what set you apart from the crowd. The distinct personality you develop for yourself is your brand. The combination of little things that are different about you are what make you noticable - what make you stand out in the crowd.

Years ago, I had a friend who had made several million dollars as an inventor. He was a few years older than me and once in awhile, he would give me a little philosophical insight. He told me one day, “As you get older, you’ll realize that the things about you that you think are “wierd” now, are not wierd at all. they’re just what make you, you.”

How right he was!

When I was younger, I was very self-conscious. I came by it naturally (learned from my parents) and was extremely concerned about not doing anything that might look out of place or, even worse, wierd or foolish.

My ex-boyfriend told me once that my biggest fault was that I took myself too serious. He was right!

Self-consciousness is nothing more than vanity or self-pride. By being overly concerned about what others think of you, you are really thinking the world should see you as perfect. Anything less would make you look bad.

My advice is relax! Be yourself. Be honest and thoughtful of others and take care not to needlessly cause shame or embarrassment for them but, beyond that, be yourself!

We’re all different and that’s a good thing. How boring would life be if everyone you knew had exactly the same personality? If everyone looked alike, dressed alike and talked alike -liked and disliked the same foods, activities and music, there wouldn’t be much point in meeting any new people would there?

No one is liked by everybody. No matter how much you try to get everyone to like you, you’re certain to fail. Some will dislike you because you’re too agreeable.

You’re a unique individual. No one in the whole world is exactly like you. Be glad and celebrate it.



Being yourself is always the way to go. As we learn things throughout life, we start to fall into who we really are. And we can accept it and be happy, or not. I always encourage my kids to do the things they want to do and not to listen to all the naysayers.

This post is so motivational, thank you @kristinaljfom!

Best advice

"My advice is relax! Be yourself. Be honest and thoughtful of others and take care not to needlessly cause shame or embarrassment for them but, beyond that, be yourself!"

As you get older, you’ll realize that the things about you that you think are “wierd” now, are not wierd at all. they’re just what make you, you.” very good tip i love this post, very much! Good joba and good tip, we are all succesfull we just need to find out in what ^^

Thank you!Hey wonderwoman @kristinaljfom! Can i keep this great post of youre to feature in my small time blog.

It's a nice post because it sets off a thought process in anyone who reads. Not many realize what being self conscious really is. It is just the opposite of being conscious of others or giving due recognition to others. Enjoyed the post!

Whoever took the photo on the park bench knows how to take a good photograph!

True words. I also wrote a post about success. You are the one who defines what success is not people from outside. You are right. Sometimes​ people try to copy other sucessfull person but it wont work because they are not you. You are unique and special and this is a gift everyone needs to use also on this platform.