We are all striving for development, we all want to improve and become more.
Sadly many believe it is out of their reach, trust me, it isn’t.
Start with where you are and compare it to your goals.
Don’t look at the negative, look at it in a scientific manner, what is the difference in you? What do you need to do/learn to accomplish your goals?
To close the gap between your knowledge and abilities today and your goals there is a lot you can do, you can read books, go to seminars, take courses among other things.
What is important is that you understand that all business skills are learnable. No one is born with the abilities to lead a team, to sell or to calculate salaries, they are all learned.
You should learn how to maximize the use of your time and how to make plans that will help you achieve your goals.
We need to improve
If you are to succeed it requires that you continuously improve. Because our society is changing so quickly we need to learn new skills all the time. Every year about 10% of all you know becomes obsolete, which means you need to continuously learn new things if you are going to stay ahead.
It takes a conscious effort and continuous work to keep improving. But when you do your success is guaranteed and you will be a step (or more) ahead of your competition.
A focus on your goals
A great way to find the necessary motivation to work day in and day out on your goals is to set your goals firmly in writing. To be able to visualize them and see them in front of you whenever you need.
These questions will give clarity to your goals;
What do you do?
Where do you live?
What car do you drive?
How much money do you have?
How much do you make?
How is your family situation?
Are you married?
To whom?
Do you have children?
How about friends, who do you spend time with?
Paint this image as vividly as possible, this is what is ahead of you.
The elements of success
If you are to succeed you need to know what you deem success, you need to start with a goal.
You also need a plan on how to get there so that you know what needs to be done, what your major constraints will be and what needs to be done next.
You need to be able to work as efficiently as possible; you need to be a time management expert.
Very Good read thank you i actually needed this today.. side note your extremly photogenic lol