πŸŽ† Steemit Has Changed My World + Check Out My New Toy - Squee πŸŽ†

in #life β€’ 7 years ago

Our life over the few past years has been an amazing journey, one that was filled with rewards and milestones for our children - but it has also faced us with some of the biggest struggles we have ever encountered.

@ausbitbank AKA Adam and I have two severely Autistic non-verbal children under 8, we have had to change the way live and interact with the world around us to ensure the safety and comfort of our children.

To ensure their success Adam and I spared no expense, we burnt through our life savings sending them to an Autism only Kindy to receive full time therapy from when they were only 2.5 years old - meeting best practices guidelines.

However on top of this we found the expenses just kept growing and before long, our savings were gone and then we started to sell anything we owned of value to cover our mounting debts.

In just three years we paid over $250,000 just in therapy for our kids, now I am not complaining in fact I would happily do it again because I know just how massive an impact early intervention has had on our children.

Like most parents there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my kids, that definitely includes going without life's little luxuries - and even in times of great need reaching out to charities, to simply make ends meet or get food and fuel.

However for the first time in 8 years Adam and I are starting to be able to relax and actually enjoy life for a change, instead of being in a constant state of panic about how we would get through the week.

@ausbitbank and I have been on steemit now for 11 months, we have both worked hard within our chosen focus areas and now after all of that time and effort were beginning to see some truly amazing results.

For the first time in 8 years @ausbitbank bought a luxury item that wasn't for the kids, it was for me - squee!

For years we had talked about 3D printers and how awesome it would be to have one, but it was never a practical expense so our talk never went past the wouldn't that be awesome? hypothetical.

Well a few days ago after picking the kids up from school I found a large parcel in the office, all @ausbitbank said was that I might want to take a few pictures...


So here's what I found, not only had he bought me a 3D printing pen.



He had also bought an insane supply of PLA filament, so I now have heaps to play with to figure this all out.


I have been addicted to it ever since spending literally hours learning how to use it through trial and error.

Here's my first and very dodgy attempt at anything..


It ended up turning into a basket of flowers - note to self, have a plan of what you want to make before you start.

Then I tried a simple love heart, that I can't seem to get even lol.


I have since learned that apparently it is easier to start on paper and build your layers up, rather than almost starting in mid air with nothing to build up on makes it incredibly difficult to work.

I never knew that when I joined steemit 11 months ago, that my world would change so drastically in such a small amount of time - not just the money side of things either, the people, the information they share and the community in general have changed my world.

Now I do want to stress to anyone reading this that @ausbitbank's success has been based on countless hours of hard focussed work, this didn't just fall into our laps - but with time and effort of your own, there is no telling how massive an impact steemit can have on your life too.

In a way investing in the 3D pen was a smart move, I now have a new tool which I can use to create content for steemit - this in turn will help purchase filament and tools in the future.

But for right now I'm just giddy with childlike excitement over my new toy, something I really didn't expect to ever manage to get and now it's mine all thanks to steemit and @ausbitbank.

So I am anxious to get back to my next little 3D creation, but I just have to say a massive thank you to @ausbitbank - I absolutely love it :D

How has steemit changed your world?

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It has changed my perception of social media. Before Steemit I was a common "waste time facebook" user, now I realize that interesting stories and wonderful content can be shared with the community and actually be heard of. My only fears are that earnings don't start to determine the overall quality of authors and that Steemit users start to suffer from earnings deficit depression "facebook likes style" because of high promises and expectations they get while introduced to this network. Nice article. Upvoted.

I couldn't agree with you anymore. I am just getting started on Steemit and it is very interesting with all the articles. A nice breath of fresh air compared to facebook. Do you have suggestions on using the platfrom? How to get the best out of it?

I started writing a massive comment to you in reply, I have had a few others ask me for similar advice so I decided to write a post on the topic of advice for new users.


I hope this helps give you some ideas on where you can start :)

I absolutely agree new users need to beware and not think that steemit is a get rich quick scheme, it takes time and a lot of hard work and even then it is still an aspect of chance - especially as the platform grows.

I used to waist time on facebook now I work on steemit, I am earning to do what I love and write about what interests me - it's a new form of self employment, even if it is only a supplemental income at first.

I always stress in these posts not to think this just happened from signing up, it took a lot to get here but together here on steemit we can all succeed together.

@Krystle I was going to do a Blog about that kinda stuff , but I did not want to upset anyone so I am not sure if I will , But I def agree . I got on here because I wanted to enjoy Blogging About what I love doing :)

Hey there, I don't know why anyone would be upset by what you choose to post about - steemit is anticencorship so the worst that would happen is no one vote if they aren't interested, but I find that highly unlikely.

People tend to be attracted to those that have a passion for what they write about, I reckon do what you love - there is a massive art community here on steemit that is really well supported, jump in and give it a go you never know it could be a success.

Anyways good luck and keep at it :)

Hi @Krystle Thank you for the encouragement ::))

@krystle & @ausbitbank ... hard to know what to say... been following @ausbitbank & voted him as a Witness because @aggroed gave this recommendation to me.

UpVoted & Following You now @krystle... Thank You 4 this Post.

Congrats on Your 3D pen... Have a Good Weekend !!

Thanks so much, I know @ausbitbank appreciates the support - he's been working hard with his duties as a witness.

Have a good one :)

No worries Krystle... am happy to help either of You as best as I can...

Thanks Again 4 posting !!

No worries, always happy to share - cheers :D

This post received a 76% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ausbitbank! For more information, click here!

Its things like this that keep me glued on this couch day after day. People like @ausbitbank really make this platform stand out.

Good luck with your kids. I would advice though to stay away from expensive treatments of autism since, right now, is more about speculation rather than science.

Steemit is so addictive, especially when you first join - I have learned a bit more self control than I had in the early days.

@ausbitbank has put so much time and effort into steemit, besides the apps he's developed - just the sheer amount of time he's invested, it's awesome to hear how he has influenced people on the platform.

Thanks our kids are little troopers, we haven't really done any treatments as such - just early intervention therapies with speech, ot and physio.

There is so much unknown in regards to Autism and so many different views on how to treat it, I am of the mindset that Autism isn't something to be cured - rather Autism is just a different way of processing and understanding the world and the things in it.

It may take time but my kids are really starting to make progress, something we had been told to prepare to never have happened - we kept our faith in their abilities and the time and effort is really beginning to pay off.

Anyways thanks so much for the comment :)

my pleasure. thank you for sharing this

No worries :)

This is so cool, congratulations Krystle.

Thanks I'm pretty stoked with it :)

Nice article. I work with Autistic children and children with other disabilities. We have a few 3D printers that kids like to use. They create 3D content through Sketchup or some other app and print out their creations. The creation component is not as interactive as a 3D pen would be, however, they get to use other technological devices and turn their creations from screen into something tangible in their hands. I hope you have as much fun with the pen as we have with the printers.

I have already lost many hours to playing with the pen, my kids got to see some of the things I have created so far and they are interested - my hopes is to be able to create things for them.

This could be a massive change for us as my kids destroy a lot of their toys by chewing them, so I am hoping to be able to repair them and even try to make some unique things just for them - I just hope it can stand up to their though love.

I'm not sure my kids are at the stage where they will be able to use it themselves, but hopefully one day we will be able to teach them how to handle things - thanks so much for the comment :)

That's great. Anything that stimulates the mind and helps them grow. I'm a real newbie to steemit and my passion (among others) is how technology can assist in education of all kids. I haven't posted much yet but would appreciate you having a look when you get a chance as a busy mum. Ops you are having a great day.

No worries I just dropped by with @ausbitbank my partner and check out your posts, you've made some promising progress over the three posts - good work keep at it.

Your layout is much better in your latest post but so you know you can center text and images by wrapping them in

this helps create a nice smooth flow - purely aesthetic mention and no criticism intended :)

We gave you a few votes and a follow, I'll try to drop by and check out your stuff again soon.

Thanks so much. Appreciate your support...

No worries, happy to help :)

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Happy to read your post
I agree fully with you, steemit is not a get rich quick scheme, it takes time and a lot of hard work ..
Steemit "...Something more Powerful..!!" than any other social media

Yes I am sure steemit will change my world

have a nice day

Thanks for the read and glad you enjoyed it, I always try to stress it's not a get rich quick scheme especially in posts like this that can attract a lot of new users - I want them to truly know what to expect from the platform and use that to their advantage.

There's no point in getting disheartened and leaving just because you didn't get rich in your first post, if this is how you approach things you're doomed to fail - steemit isn't too big on the poor me so much as the underdog that gives it their all.

Thanks so much for joining in :)

What an awesome story. @ausbitbank was one of the first people I followed when I joined steemit. One of his posts might even have been what brought me to steemit in the beginning. At any rate, he was one of the first people I connected with here and it's really great that things are starting to turn around for you guys.

Thanks so much @ausbitbank has reached out to and influenced a lot of people with his work, I know how much he has worked for this it' snot only a relief for us as a family - but I am just happy he is being recognised for just how much he has given to the platform.

It is nice to know that at least for now things are going to be a little easier for us, here's hoping it continues for a while and we can get back on our feet and finally stabilize our situation - cheers for the response.

not just the money side of things either, the people, the information they share and the community in general have changed my world.
Yes, I agree with you about this. :)

Since joining steemit using other platforms just feels like a waste of time, there is just so much on offer here you just need to find it!

Love to you both from the US. Blessings to your family.

Thanks so much and to you and yours, we appreciate it :)

aus is a brother from another mother. So glad to work with him all the time. You've looked at @alanfreestone 's work on here? He's the first person I'd trust to treat my kids if they had autism.

I haven't personally but @ausbitbank knows about him, I will definitely check him out - cheers :)

Oh what fun! XD I sense a house full of sculptures in your near future!

For sure, I have been glued to it since I got it - I can't wait to figure out what I can make with it :)

I am so, so, so happy for the both of you.
You deserve this bit of a respite in life so much!

Thanks so much for your support it means so much, it has made life easier for a change that is for sure - here's hoping it all continues :)

Whattttt thats crazy! Crazy COOL! I had no idea this even existed I would have a blast with it.

Steemit has had a small impact so far being it is only day 4 however it is a positive impact and one I feel will continue to grow as I connect with more people such as yourself.

Yeah we found out about 3d pens a while ago, but I never dreamed of having one - they are actually cheaper than I expected and soo much fun lol.

As I said in the post it all takes time and effort, with steemit you really get out of it what you put in - give it time and I am sure you will have a similar positive experience on the platform.

I wish you luck on your steemit journey, keep at it and you never know the possibilities :)

Everybody's life here on steemit will change for the better.

I absolutely agree, if you put out positivity and do what you love and enjoy it will show through and you will be rewarded for your efforts - it just takes time.

And patience :)


It's so good to see people like you make a living from this platform.πŸ‘Œ

People like myself, who have health issues, and others who are a limited as well.

This platform is amazing, with two special needs children it really isn't practical to have a full time job as I always have to be on call - steemit makes it possible for me to contribute from home and still be on call for my kids when they are at school.

this is a really special post that Im glad i stopped to read. Im so happy for you both and that you are finally able to take some time and BREATH! excited to see what you do with that pen! New follower :)

Thanks so much for the follow and I'm glad you liked the post, steemit really is amazing and has changed so many aspects of our lives since we joined.

The pen is awesome, I'm addicted lol I've spent so much time playing around trying to figure it all out - it's awesome to just be able to relax and yes breathe.

Hoping to post more about the pen real soon :D

So cool and I know how you feel about Steemit. I never like social media. Never wanted to get on Fedbook but here there is a family. I see people supporting and lifting other people higher. I truly is an amazing place to be. My heart is broken for what you and your precious children are going through but don't loose hope. I have been going through some really serious medical issues and I have seen what I would have thought impossible since starting my health education. I truly believe the body is capable of correcting anything . The fact that those children have parents that love and care the way you do is the perfect start. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.

Wow thanks so much for the lovely comment, our kids are our world there is nothing we wouldn't do for them.

They are amazing and talented in their own unique way, they have come so far and lately have been making truly phenomenal progress - the future holds great promise for them.

Steemit is unlike any other platform I've ever experienced, the people are lovely and the community is amazingly supportive of each other - I plan on being here as long as I can :)

Inspiring! In Canada, parents get funding for children with autism. Sorry you have paid so much, but you are a good parent!

Here in Australia we do get some funding, but really no where near enough for what is truly required - that $250,000 was only for three years (two year for each of them) to attend AEIOU.

We have had to spend far more on that just with equipment alone, ipads for apps, ipads for communication, indoor swings the list goes on - and all we get is $12,000 total per child for Autism, it really doesn't cover much when an hour of therapy costs over $150.

We have a new disability program starting but it is insanely complex and I still haven't figured it out, but there is hope that we may get some funding for the future now at least.

We'd all do anything for our kids, it's easy to go without when you know there is value in the loss - anyways cheers and thanks for the comment.

The funding is 30 percent more in Canada but still not enough. You have done an amazing job! Your children will surprise you with how bright they are!

It's funny they are extremely intelligent they have brilliant problem solving skills, memory and abilities in general - they are capable of so much.

Their biggest issues are with the little things (now verbal communication has finally started to show some promise) like self care, general safety and awareness of their surroundings, social cues that sort of thing.

Such a wonderful, heartwarming post! It gives me hope for our own future (my kids need special care as well).
Congratulations on getting your 3D pen, that is so wonderful! Would love to play with one someday :) I'll be following you to check out your works!

Thanks so much for the follow I really appreciate it, with special needs kids I feel we appreciate the milestones all the more - and once you start to see progress you learn that all the effort you have put in was worth it in the end.

The 3d pen is so much fun, I am hoping to create some stuff specifically for the kids to trial that I think might be useful as therapy tools.

Thanks again for the follow and the comment, all the best with your own kids - anything is possible with time and effort :)

Congrats on your first steps into the world of 3D printing! I hope you have a blast and get to upgrade to bigger and better toys as you go!

Thanks so much, I am stoked with it so far - I have already been checking out other varieties online to see where to go in the future :)

Wow Krystle - love your story and I hope you have an awesome time getting to know your 3D pen. Up-voted and Resteemed. Your friend. SirKnight.

Cheers mate, it means a lot to know it made an impact - I love the pen so far, I see a lot of time being spent messing around with it in the future :D

I'm so happy for you both! I know how you feel about the pouring into children in regards to therapies and new ideas...there's nothing you won't do for them if it can help in any kind of way. It's wonderful that you can relax and do something for yourself. I never heard of that device. Do you plan on making art with it long term?

Absolutely there really isn't anything I wouldn't do for them :)

Yeah I found out about them a year or two ago now, I am hoping to be able to make things for my kids but also creatures from my fantasy saga that I am writing on here - I'm not an artist but I'm gonna give it a go, plus it's fun.

It sure looks fun! I'm sure your kids will want to join in too :)

Amazing post friend, steemit is obviously the best place to be, am kinda new here though but very positive that I would have a successful and fun filled time here :)

It's a far smarter use of your time than other social media platforms, at least here there is a chance of being reimbursed for your time and efforts.

Exactly, steemit all the way!!!

I am glad to see that how steemit has changed your life. I think steemit has changed live for so many people so far. It's awesome to see this.


I think it will continue to do so, we all waste so much time on other social media platforms and they don't provide you with a service - you're the product there.

With steemit it is all time well spent, it all pays off in the end in some way even if that is just meeting interesting people - have a good one :)

Wow so happy for you and you gave me the idea about 3d pens. Would it be something nice for elderly to do in their free time?

I think it depends on how tech savvy and willing the person is, it really is not complicated to use but some older people I know tend to shut down at the sight of something techy without even trying.

That is just my experience when I have tried to share different things with my grandparents etc, but I absolutely think it could an amazing asset - it would keep the mind and body more active and they can create things (always brilliant in my mind)

I'd say it is worth trying, even if you start by showing them some youtube videos to test the water first and see how they react to the idea.

Anyways hope this helps :)

thank you I think starting out with a youtube video could work! Thanks that was helpful :)

Happy to have helped and I hope it all works out :)

Nice post ,,I think steem is now part of our life !

It has that effect on people :)

I upvoted and Resteemed for you :) @Krystle Great Blog :) Thank you for sharing

Thanks so much, glad you liked it :)

You are Welcome :))

@ krystle God Bless both of you.

Thanks :)

Very inspiring, I know it is very difficult to meet medical expenditure. I wish you big success in your life.

Thanks so much for your support, I really appreciate it :)

Looks like fun

That it is indeed, I have spent so much time playing round with it already - just so much fun!

What kind of projects are you planning on doing cuz i really want a 3d printer. Dont need one though. I guess ill stay tuned find out?

I am really liking the idea of using the pen to create some of the different characters from the story I am writing on here, that and different cities and kingdoms to help get a feel of how it will all look - it will also mean a way to have images to include that relate to the story.

I am not an artist by any means, writer yes and other artsy things I tend to do well - but this is a massive learning curve, so only time will tell.

I have one post planned and the item I have been making will appear in it, so far I am pretty happy with it but it isn't finished yet - here's hoping I don't stuff it up cause I'm quite happy with it so far.

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Sounds good. I wasn't following you prior but i am now so that I dont miss them.

Thanks so much for the follow much appreciated, hope to keep you entertained :)

good post @krystle


cool, I need to find a hobby myself, I have tried so hard here and just keep failing at this

Hey there mate, so I checked out your account - you only joined about two weeks ago, please note the article above saying steemit is not a get rich quick scheme.

On top of this I went through some of your posts, you have posted quite a lot however a lot of it is a single image with only a line or two of text - on steemit people try to reward value and effort this may be why you aren't having great success.

As I looked further back I then realised one of your largest posts (without any images) had a single comment from cheetahbot, this means that the content you posted was copied and pasted - this is considered plagiarism, steemit in general will not pay you to copy someone else's work and present it as your own.


Here's the post I am talking about, if you go to the bottom you can even see where you have copied the footer say the views of that are of the author and not CCN so unless you are a writer for CCN this is pretty clearly not you.

You have drawn attention to yourself by plagiarizing and if you continue it is highly likely your account will be flagged so that no one can see your stolen content.

I strongly recommend that you stop copying others work immediately and that you put a bit more practical effort into your own original work and then you may get some traction and have some success on steemit.

Thank you for this inspiring post! upvoted and following :D

Great work my dear

Ohh like amazing reaaly

Nice post, great sharing! I like the point you point out, especially that you had made list of figure and graphs as the supporting of your find out and research! And yes, I think coins value will be keep going up at the future and it would be the world trend! Thanks for your sharing!

Hey mate I think you're copying and pasting, the wrong comment all over the place - I have no graphs...

haha i had to go back and reread your article

The funny thing is when people try to scam the system the system on steemit will get them in the end - I didn't flag this but it's not surprising it happened, never copy and paste comments!!!!